Sunday, September 11, 2005

Good Night

Well. today was a good day. I went to church and had a wonderful, spirit filled service. Then I volunteered for a couple of hours at social services, then I went over to my  dad's house. He went on a date yesterday with a women who was on our London trip. It's taken him a year to get together with her. I had to find out how the date went. He also filled my tank for the week ahead and gave me a little cash. He always helps me out. I told him I won't get a real check until the 23rd. After we visited and I washed the dishes I drove home. I stopped at the store and brought some items for my lunch this week and I'm ready to call it a day. The weekend goes by so fast. I'm already counting the days until our next three day weekend. Its in October.

I can't believe the gas prices.It's just plain outrageous.

I'll be listening to you in the morning on my drive in.

One of the things I constantly seem to say is I love....never saying I believe I'm loved. Well, I believe I am loved and that I am in love. People who have a loving relationship tend to be happier and live longer. I read that somewhere. I'ts nice to know when I think about it, I am loved. Someone cares about me. Someone thinks I'm special to them.Thank you.

Be Blessed and have a good night.

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