Sunday, September 18, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship.

Today is God's Day all over this country and many parts of the world. We will lift our hands in praise and worship. We will lift our voices in thanksgiving and praise. We will worship our Lord all the days of our lives. Yes Lord, We will praise you, we will worship you and we will honor you Lord. Glory to your name.  I'm thankful that I can pray to you My LORD. You cared enough to save me through your SON, MY SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. YOUR HOLY SPIRIT rest in me. I seek to do your will, to walk in your way. Not my will but your will be done in my life. Lord I don't have a perfect prayer, I don't often know what to say, but I keep praying and I keep resting in the faith that you know what I need and you hear my prayers.

I so excited about today. I'm looking forward to it. Nothing special is going on today different. Just that I get to see MY LOVE today. That alone amuses me. It puts a smile on my face and a tickle in my stomach. God has predestined us to help save His world. That's awesome. God has something for us to do for Him. Thank You  LORD for choosing me. BE BLESSED TODAY. WE HAVE TODAY.

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