Wednesday, August 31, 2005


It just seems like I can not get away from the third floor.

This school has no elevator and no air conditioning.

I must have made ten trips lugging up supplies and stuff to my room.

I couldnt sleep last night so I only got about three hours sleep.

Tomorrow will be better though. I'll be used to the stairs by the end of the week.

It seems to be a good bunch of people. I'm looking forward to this being a good year. The school is twice as big as my last one but that's to be expected. There are three buildings.

How was your day today? Are you there yet? I don't know if you will read this or not but I am writing it anyway.

I have faith in the work you can accomplish there. I believe you can make a difference. You have a fresh outlook on things and you can open the eyes of others.

Well I am exhausted and I am going to get ready for tomorrow. Shorts and a tee shirt, its so hot in that building.

I hope you have arrived safely and are energized for the big event. I think its instrumental and monumental. I have to look at it as being important it concerns me.

Do well, take care of yourself and be blessed.

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

You would be surprised to know the distractions that I have to put up with just to make sure I have an entry before 6am.

Everyone in the house wants to know what I'm doing and why I writing so early in the morning. Suddenly they want to get up too. What used to be a quiet time to begin to work in the presence of God has become a big distraction. But L press forward, lettin them know that this is my journal reflection time. The computer and TV are in the same room, so I often have all kinds of stuff on in the background that my brother is watching. This is his time up, due to his work schedule, and he watches everything from poker shows, soap operas he's recorded to drama shows and stuff.  But I press on, staying in the focus of God and the new day that's about to form.

So I say that to say, if nothing goes my way today, I will call upon the strength of the Lord to help me through. I look to today with positive thoughts and words out of my mouth and in my mind. I draw on God's presence in my life to guide and direct me today and everyday. I'm looking forward to today.

You have an important day ahead of you also. I pray for traveling mercies for you and I am encouraged that you will be successful in your endeavours today. I pray that God speaks to your heart for the solutions to overcome the struggles plaguing this movement. Take care today and know that you are loved.

Be blessed and truly be a blessing to someone.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

God is a good God

My God hears my prayers

The Lord is my shepard and I shall not want

Well, my daughter is not moving out. It seems her "room mate" didn't have his part of the money for the move in. He had the nerve to ask me and my family if we would give him the money so he could move into his little "love shack" with my daughter! I couldn't believe he really expected me to finance his "love shack". The gall that he would have my daughter ask me and my father for the money. She says she will wait until he has his share of the money. It might be a good idea to wait until he has a job too. Sometimes these young brothers just seem to push things to the very edge and then they go off the cliff. I guess he figured no harm in asking. She just might say OK. She's a church going woman, there easy.

Well we don't have to worry about that for a while and I think she might be getting tired of him about now. I'm just thankful there's no children involved yet. Your message is right on my street this week. I didn't know there was so much sex going on in the church. I guess when you not doing anything then you think everybody else is not doing it also. I really think the message is necessary because the young and old are battling the sex drive.

Respect for self is what's so important. If we can just leave the feelings at the door and just begin to believe in integrity, honor and loyalty. How we treat each other and how we treat our selves  is what's important.

Well you get to meet with the movers and shakers of the movement to decide the direction it has to take now. Find a way to encourage integrity, honor and loyalty in the plans. If we don't begin to respect the family unit. Respect womena and children.

Don't just keep fathering children and having the mothers go it alone. Have integrity to face up to the responsibility. Single parents are the biggest anchor in the black community. Without the family structure intact, the children never change. We continue to repeat the cycle, over and over again. Men will have children and not take the complete and total responsibility to marray and support their family. I know jobs are hard to find black men. But their pride keeps them for working from the bottom and trying to move up. You have to start somewhere. Education is not valued. Let the man value it and you will see a change in the community.

OK enough of my rantings about what's needed. I trust you to come up with some solutions for advancement of the civil rights movement. I have to get ready for tomorrow where I do my part to help my people.

Take Care and have a blessed evening.

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

God Bless you this morning

What a beautiful morning it is today

Thank you Lord for our saving  grace

Thank you for keep us safe and hearing our prayer

Thank you Lord for a new day blooming, new mercies each day.

Lord I know you have knowledge of the things we need and can provide our needs

Thank you Lord for hearing my prayers and answering them

You know the concerns of my heart and what I need

Lord I care, I care about being a part of your kingdom. I care Lord.

I'm struggling today Lord and I need your assistance. I have a lot of things to do and I need your assistance to accomplish them. Lord keep me focused and humble. My goal is to please you today and everyday. To walk in your joy. To be loved by you Lord. To be the apple of your eye is my desire. Thank you Lord for loving me.

Have a blessed day today and walk with the Lord in his joy.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Good Night


Good Night, Sleep Tight.

Rest your mind, you have a tough week ahead of you.

Be blessed and know that you are loved.

Sex In The City Part 2

Sermon excerpts as I listen to it today. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of the Lord.

God does not tempt.

When you feel the struggle, fight.

The stronger the desire the easier the enticement.

What level of frustration did you wake up with this morning?

Wake up covering yourself with a hedge of protection. dispatch warring angels both day and night.

Go to bed covered and wake up covered. You must be truthful and honest about the state you are in. Acknowledge the stuff going on and God can help you deal with it. Be honest enough to say it ain't alright. It ain't alright in my life right now. Somedays I'm not alright and I have to deal with the truth. Amen

A man is drawn out by sex.  They have a quick reaction. Men don't plan it, it just happens. That's why men don't have emotional attachment to certain women. You were just a hit and run.

A woman will mask it. She will think about it for two weeks. Then she will say if he comes at me like this again. She will allow it to cook and simmer for awhile.

The devil is a master at knowing you. He will bring you your type. The devil knows what you like. Like a waiter in an expensive restaurant. He will bring the dessert cart and just start to call it out until he reaches what you like. Something will entice you. 

It is easy to testify about all the things you overcame that you didn't want but there's somebody you aren't saying anything about.

It demands replacing the temptation with your relationship with God.

The battle is when I have to switch from what I am feeling to what I am believing.

The thing that makes temptation so desirable is the availability. Some people make themselves available to you and others. Some things you wouldn't have fallen in if it wasn't so available.

If you had to swim through infested waters, climb over a high fence and walk through rats you might have held back. But satan says you don't have to work hard for it, I'll bring it to you. satan will come to where you are. satan will meet you anywhere. Work, school and church. The thing that destroys us is availability. If we try to live saved why do we spend so much time walking around in danger zones. Why do we keep people around us that are dangerous for us.

God is saying he put the flag up so that we would stop swimming in dangerous waters. We just have to take notice of the flag and heed the warning.

Its time for those of us who want to grow to the next level in God to begin by going after what is permanent and not what is temporary.

Why do we keep laying down with a temporary person? Make a decision that you don't want to get into anythig that's not permanent. If its permanent then you need to know they want something more than your body.

Most relationships are based around sex. They begin with sex. Put a hold on the body and tell them to check out your mind, soul and spirit and not what you look like.

Don't get mad when someone you just had sex with rejects you. They didn't know you, they knew your body. We spend so much time putting our flesh first and then get mad when that's all they want. When that's all we show, that's going to be all that they want. Cover it up, we don't want to see it.

satan doesn't have to send demons after you he can use the world. Its set up to take you down the path. The TV will show you the videos, music, ads,movies, etc. Its feeding your mind and influencing your spirit. Its feeding your mind a new kind of morality. The world is feeding sex. We wake with it everyday. Sex is fed in us so much you almost become uncomfortable giving someone a compliment. We have to watch where we go and who we let in our space. In some spaces ther's a lion trying to get in there. I'm not letting you in my space unless you want to know my mind, spirit and soul. I am more than a body.

satan has set up this world for sex. Where are the virgins, abstinence, those that say I'm going to do it right. Where are the celibate, those that are only going to have sex with their wife.

I'm making up my mind right now, I'd rather be alone than  messed over another time. God's got the best for you, don't mess over it with temporary stuff.

Lust will drag you away. If you give in to lust it will take you from unspeakable joy to unspeakable sorrow.

Many of us have messed up a lot of good people and relationships over sex. Some folks could have been a good relationship if you just hadn't gone to bed with them. If you had not surrendered to uncontrollable feelings.

I'm ready for something real. I'm tired of being played with by the devil. I want something real. Anything you can't say no to you're in bondage to it. It can be sex, alcohol, friendship, food.  Anything that you can not say "no this isn't God" then you are in bondage. You don't have enough sweet talk for me. Not enough sweet talk for my body. Ain't nobody got enough sweet talk for my body.

The next time somebody tries to bump your head let them know you have a call on your life. Don't let anyone get in your way from going to the next level. I'm going all the way with God. If you can't come to my level I ain't going to your gutter. I can get a body anywhere.But I need me a mind that's Holy Ghost filled, someone who says Jesus is my Lord and my Savior. Somebody with the mind of Christ.

You need people who say "what can they give". Lust takes and love gives. I need somebody that can give. I have had enough folks who will pull me down. Now I need somebody who will lift me up.

I'm valuable and I need somebody of value in my life. I don't need someone looking for a "discount" or a "for sale" sign. I need somebody that loves me. When God washes us up and renews our mind we need to say we are not going back.  God brought me out and I ain't going back. I need somebody who values my mind, soul and spirit. Nothing else will last. It won't last if it ain't spiritual. It won't last if it ain't God.

If someone says they love you, let them know "if you're coming my way, you have to know I already have a lover". My lover is my necessity and you could be my benefit but you are not my necessity because I already have a lover. You may not see a lover with me but don't be confused, my lover cannot be seen with the naked eye.

You would see that there is already someone in my life if you were Holy Ghost filled. The smile on my face, he put it there. The joy in my heart, he put it there. I already have a lover. Love woke me up this morning. Love started me on my way. Love made a way out of no way. It wasn't sex, it was love. I already got a lover. Because I already have a lover, you can't fool me with your make believe love because I know what real love is. Love died for me. Love lifted me and set me free.

Jesus made it hard for everybody in my life. Jesus set a standard for what real love is so I'm not fooled with the tricks and games of anybody. Jesus stopped by me first, so if anybody comes my way they will know Jesus raised the standard. As long as I have Jesus, I have love, keep your flesh single people. Jesus is enough to keep you till he brings the one he has for you, so if he never brings anyone, then no one was good enough for me.



Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

As I sit here, where the sun has yet to rise, I know its on its way.

Anticipation of a new day. Character development. Gentleness is in order for today.

I'm sorry for yesterday. I know that there is nothing to harm me and I know that they are not making fun of me either. Wishing nothing but the best for you and always wanting you to be happy. Nothing but good things needed for you. Nothing but good things.

The sun is starting to rise in a gentle push. Not obtrusive or dominating, just like a fragrance encompassing the air.

Thank you Lord for the abilkity to have another day. Can I get right today? Can I make a difference in someone's life? Renew my strength today and work on me so that I can continue to do your will.

Have a very blessed day today. Empower us, bring hope and peace as a choice. Make this the beginning of a new day.Take Care of yourself today. I pray that you are feeling better and not just feelings but are truly healed by faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.

Sunday, August 28, 2005


My Thoughts

My thoughts on today

When I got up this morning I knew it would be a different day, just how different I didn't know.

I went to the 8:30 because I felt I needed to focus my mind on the upcoming daughter is moving out to move in with her boyfriend, I'm starting a new job and I pray its nothing like the last one and I'm going to be an empty nester. When I took them to college that was my own doing and it was hard then. When I brought her home from college that was my own doing also. But the move out is not my own doing.I don't have any c ontrol over this and I can only be supportive, even though I'm not really.

I am over my dad's, mowing the lawn, cooking dinner and finishing up the apartment so he can rent it. On my drive over I was reflecting on how you have two good friends that you can talk this over with and when yoau came in the sanctuary, there must have been some talk over whether we would make eye contact or have a greeting. I saw a head shake at the front that indicated no. Was there a bet? Did someone win? God I hope somebody got some enjoyment out of that today. I also got the message from God that its taken me a year to become obedient to this journal. I don't know how long its going to take for conversation. One thing I know this was HIs idea and I'm onboard with it. God only knows how this will end up.

I just wanted to tell you my new revelation. God says it took me a year to be obedient with this journal. He'll take care of the rest and he has so far. After today's sermon I don't know if I should hug you or not. I enjoy it, maybe I shouldn't enjoy it. Maybe its natural and just go with the flow, nothing perverted about it.  OK, I have to go and start cooking. Be Blessed.

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

Its something about the morning and knowing that you have new saving graces.

You were given another chance to get things right.

The day hasn't blossomed yet and its just waiting for you to start all over again.

New hopes, new promises, new dreams.

Anything is possible in a new day. A brand new day.

Trusting in the Lord on this new day makes all things possible.

Building hope on that trust and relying on the Lord to strengthen you throughout the day.

What's in store for me today Lord? I'm trusting you to guide me through.

Thank you Lord for trying to repair me. Thank you for caring enough to want to see more out of me. Thank you Lord for being my rock and my anchor. Thank You Lord for saving me. Thank You Lord for renewing my faith. If I have just the tiniest faith of a mustard seed, you can use it.

Faith, comes by hearing. Faith, its the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith, is believing when everything else seems to indicate don't. Faith is trusting in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to not let his word go void.

Faith and Trust. Trusting God to be in control and learning to rest in Him.

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. What a beautiful day the Lord has made. Renewing our minds and our spirits to expect the ridiculous. Be Blessed today.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning

Obedient, loyal and faithful. That's what keeps me going on with this.God knows my heart.

I have to begin each new day looking to him for a fresh new start. Knowing that He is the author and finisher of my day and how I direct my course depends on who I allow to have control.

I look to the Lord to direct my strength. I know I'm nothing without His guidance.

I begin this day knowing the sacrafice Jesus made for me. I know that the Lord will never leave me nor forsake me. I know that Jesus came so that I might have life and have it more abundantly. I believing in Him word to guide me, comfort me and to direct my path.

I listen for the whisper, the gentle breeze, the knowledge that Jesus is with me always must direct my actions.

Have a blessed day.

Friday, August 26, 2005


Embarrassed that I let the opportunity to bond go by because of a small twinge of jealousy in me. I know you have to speak to everyone, men and women alike. I know you have a diverse community to pastor, counsel and just be with on many different levels. I let something little draw a wedge between me and you tonight. Where was my trust and confidence tonight? Trust and Confidence. This is a struggle that I seem to constantly have. I thought I had placed these concerns to rest. I trust you, I do believe in you and I am concerned that it became a problem for me for a moment and then there just never seemed another opportunity to click. 

I don't understand why it bothered me tonight..Nothing is different, nothing is ever different, when does it ever become different? Is this all that there is to be?  I don't hold claim to be in control of this at all. I give all power to the Lord. I just have to rely on Him to transform my mind and renew my heart. I don't like to be around you and not even make eye contact, not even say hello, not even have some kind of connection. That's just bogus. I leave feeling shortchanged and hurt.

This is outrageous. We can't keep going on like this. What does all this mean? 

 Well enough drama for me for one night, good night.

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

I wake up relying on God to guide my steps and renew my faith.

Everyday is a blessing and I treasure the fact that I have another day to please God.

Another day to get it right and try to start over again from the the beginning as if nothing was ever done before.

I pray for strength in my heart to believe in all of God's miracles and to be able to walk in faith knowing that he has nothing but good plans for me.

Today is a good day. I'm happy to think about the possibility of spending some time together. I keep a spirit of expectation. I know that good things are in store for us.

I am a conqueror in this struggle. I believe this has been a good week and I'm believing God for goodness and happiness. All good things work together...

I pray that you have a good day. I hope you are doing well and that you are not having a lot of discomfort. I pray that honesty and truth are with you today. Be Blessed and know that your are loved.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world

God has shown favor and given us a an opportunity to listen to his word and see how he can overcome things that are creating havoc in this world.

I saw on the news how a drug bust was made near the location where we protested. The drugs and guns were so easily accessible to children and this is the environment the children see everyday. Lord break the cycle. Let us listen to the needs of our children.

Let us be quick to listen today. The first duty of love is to listen and hear the words in our heart as well as our mind.

Thank You Lord for saving even one life today. Thank You Lord for waking me up today and starting me on my way. Thank You Lord.

Thank You for yoru healing presence and for giving me happiness today.

My day will consist of helping my dad and that's about it. Maybe an oil change will happen also.

You have been very instrumental in making things happen this week. You are a treasure. You do have a heart that seeks to do the right thing. You are a defender of the truth. Keep yourself healthy and stay on the positive track. You are healed. Youare blessed going in and blessed going out. You are blessed all over. Have a blessed day today and continue to listen to God's will in your life.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

I'm awake, I'm up and I'm alive.

Thank You Lord.

I still have something to accomplish today and I'm working my way to that mission.

God's will be done in my life today and everyday.

satan is defeated and I will continue to remember that and continue to praise God and keep his will working in my life.

Faith, now faith, working in my life. I have to keep the faith. Believe that God is continuing to use me and has things for me to do everyday.

Listening to His will in my life. Staying focused on the things of God, knowing that His purpose is to prosper me and not to harm me.

He loves me, He loves me. I love Him. I love Him.

I'm starting to stay up now because I have to get use to this again. Take care of yourself today. Protect yourself. Believe as I know you do.

Have a good day and be blessed.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005



Today was a good day.

We had a successful day. Its not over though. As you said there's big business in this stuff, and lots of money to be made by everyone. The people in the neighborhood were amazing. The things that are destroying  them are the main things they want to keep. Sometimes we can't see past the things that crush our spirit.

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18

Good Night and have a peaceful, restful night. Be extremely blessed and truly be a wonderful blessing to someone.

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

I thank the Lord for waking me up and starting me on my day today.

Thank you Lord for giving  me the very breathe that I breathe. Thank you for healing me and allowing me to hear your word in the cool, calm crisp air.

Lord I pray for world healing. I pray for all of our brothers and sisters that are suffering and need your help this morning.

Lord I am also praying for those that are not walking in your will. Not listening to your word and need your guidance, direction and love. Lorddispatch your angels and keep them safe, let them know you are with them always.

I know I can't do it without you Lord. I can't make it without you. I lean on your understanding and guidance to get me through the day. My hours depend on you Lord, I can't make it without you.

I know that there is power in the tongue. Life and death is in the tongue. Words are spoken and they bring life. I want to use words to encourage and uplift. I want to build strong character and ridiculous faith.

I'm a work in progress and I want to keep the faith. I want to keep believing and and walking in God's will in my life. I was stressing over something yesterday and the message I got was don't worry, don't worry, it will work out just fine. So I'm believing Jesus Christ that the Lords word is true and it will not go out void.

Faith the size of a mustard seed. The truth shall set you free. I believing God for truth, justice and freedom in my life. Freedom is never free. We pay a cost to walk in freedom. God's grace and mercy walks with us.

Take Care today and have a blessed day.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

We begin another week, my last week to enjoy the summer.

Next week, the games begin.

I have to trust in God to know how to meet my needs.

Trust in God. It was much easier to wake up today. I'm beginning to wake before the alarm again. I trusting God to prepare my mind and give me insight into my thoughts.

My goal for today is to go to my school and see my classroom. Also mow the lawn. I have to get my daughter back to school by Wednesday also. She had made arrangements but they fell through. Now I have help with the planning.

I trust God to guide our steps and ensure that everything goes well.

I trust that things will go well. I'm spending this week focusing on trust. Trust that I'm on the right track for God.

What a wonderful day to start the week. I am able to see the light of day yet one more time. Thank you Lord. Thank You Lord.

Have a blessed day and stay focused today. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. 

Sunday, August 21, 2005


Today was a good day. I continue to pray for Mrs King.

Interesting, insightful and possibly informative.

When I make an entry in the morning, I am getting up from an alarm clock, I'm ha;f sleep and I'm trying to focus on what to say. My thoughts automaticly go to God because I want him to keep me awake and focused on the task at hand. I have to bring my message from the bible study, quotes and books and just down to me. My own reflections, my own prayers my own dreams and desires. I want this journal to be me. I want to connect with you and I want to make it personal.

Always and forever.,huh.

What memories do you have? I don't want to know. Just kidding.

Life is life. What does that mean, I don't know but we all have a past, future and present. We do our best to survive and cherish the moments that please us and God.

Enjoy your evening and have a blessed night. Take care to relax and follow some of the doctor's orders.

Good Morning

Good Morning

How blessed I am to have Jesus in my life

Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.

I wonder what to say to Him to convey my heart each morning.

Father God your will in my life is what I desire. To walk in your way

What are some of the things of this world that you want me to be a part of? What are some of the things  going on in the world that I will be judged by?

What values am I displaying or teaching that don't line up with your vision?

Walk with me Lord so that I am always striving to please you and carry out your vision.

Father God I am committed to you.

Be blessed

Saturday, August 20, 2005



I wound up cooking a big meal today. My daughter is leaving tomorrow and we are spending some quality time together. My other daughter is hardly ever here anymore. She tells me he needs me mom and he says he loves me. I tell her to be careful rescuing people. Notice that when someone is drowning if you jump in with them then you wind up drowning too. If you extend a pole or something to pull them in with you can usually save them and yourself. I don't want my daughter to drown. I know she wants to do the right thing and she thinks she's doing that by trying to bring him out of the hood and having a new life in our town. They have a apartment here. Its close to her job. She's the only one working. He seems to do other things for money. He continues to say he's trying get into the music business, but I'm very leary. Just this past week the police came to house looking for my daughter. I told them she was a work and what was this all about. It seems a young man was driving a car she had rented and drove off without paying for gas. I was shocked! I told them where to find her and we called her. Her boyfriend was told to return to her job and she had to go through the embarrassment of having police cars waiting at her job for her boyfriend for over an hour. Three cars! When he came, seems there was a mistake made. The attendant put the amount he prepaid on the wrong pump and thought he had driven off without paying. I told him that was too much drama for me and I don't like the idea of the police coming to my house and having to go to my daughter's job looking for her boyfriend. Oh he's sooo sorry and he never meant for anything wrong to happen and he loves my daughter sooo much. Uh Huh. Well we'll see. He even had his mom call me and tell me how much he loves my daughter and how living out here will be so good for him. Uh Huh. We'll see. I don't want to be negative, this could be the best thing in her life and I want her to be happy, but signs are not to be ignored either. Let's just say I'm cautious.

Nothing but life gets in the way of God's plans for us. If we give up our life for the sake of Christ then he will find a way to give it back to us. He said He came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Life. How we decide to live it is what's most important. In an instant our lives can change. We have to cherish every moment.

Good Morning

Good Morning My Love

Great is the day that the Lord has made

We will rejoice and be glad in it. This day is given to me as a present.

I take nothing for granted. I Thank my Lord and Savior Jesus for loving me enough to want to see me wake up for another day. Thank You Lord

Dear Lord, I struggle to get it right each day. To walk in your will and to grow in you wisdom. I want to do it your way Lord. My heart's desire is to please you.

I strive to to stay in your grace. My character is developed through your will and my actions. I desire to act in your will Lord.

Guide my steps, lead me to the right path and help me control my actions so that I am pleasing in your eyes Lord.

Dear Lord my heart's desire is to pleas you, to make you happy, to have you smile and say the words I long to hear, well done, my good and faithful child.

I continue to stretch and grow and yearn for more. I'm not satisfied with the present situation, I want the more. To get the more I have to stay diligent. My character counts.I don't want to fail or disappoint. There's been enough disappointment.

Have a blessed day today. I might see you later, I'm not sure.Enjoy you day, rain and all. Be Blessed.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning My Love

I hope that you had a good night sleep and that you are well rested today

I hope in you having a good day today

I praise the Lord our God daily and his mercy endures forever

My love is forever and enduring

I want to praise the Lord at all times and worship Him forever

Thank You Lord for giving me another day. Thank You for waking me up today and starting me on my way. Thank You Lord for loving me. Thank You , Thank You.

My day is quiet today, I am through with the institute days. I want to finish up the my lesson plans and maybe go to the school. I haven't seen my classroom yet.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Gift Bags

What a wonderful day.

Today we had instruction on classroom management (which we all really need no matter how much experience you have) and organizing our lessons. The presenters were well informed and the day went by quickly.

We had a full hot breakfast and lunch prepared for us today. After the presentation we were given three bags of stuff for ourselves and our classroom. It was so nice. Everyone associated with this seminar was very helpful and just inviting. If nothing else our spirits were elevated and our confidence was renewed. Its so important to feel secure, safe and wanted. I hope I relay that feeling to the children and to the school. I want to keep a positive attitude and not be negative.

How was your day today? I didn't hear anything this week about marching. I checked the website daily. Today I didn't check and its probably there.

I'm going to WWW now. I need the exercise and I plan to lose some weight no matter what.

I hope you are feeling better. I wonder how all of that is going? Life and death is in the power of the tongue. You are healed and nothing but goodness and happiness are coming your way. We are going to make this work. I feel good about our future.

Be Blessed and be a blessing to someone.

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

God is a good God

I have been blessed to begin another day worshipping the Lord

Thank You Lord for waking me up and starting me on my day

Thank You Lord for being my strength

Glory to your name Lord, glory to Jesus Christ my Savior

Lord youhave given me strength and support to do your will

Thank you Lord for being wise and knowing what I need in my life

Thank you Lord for answering my prayers with your wisdom to discern my needs and not just my wants, Thank You Lord for hearing my prayers.

Today was so much easier to get up. Day three and the the routine is setting in.

Thank You , Thank You Lord, Thank You

I'mo grateful and humble that this is a healing journey for me, I just have to say thank you.

I try to be reflective of my prayer time and try to bring my reflections from the heart.I want to hear the word of God in my life and let him lead me on my path each day. I'm listening.

Have a blessed day and know that you are loved and appreciated.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Home Visits

Today I went to visit one of my students in their home. What an experience. An outsider like me in thier neighborhood, in their building, on their block.

It was an experience. We were separated into four buses, when we got on our school bus, our bus driver, dressed in a cowboy hat and boots, took the time to introduce himself and let us know he was from Texas and if he got lost just tap him on the shoulder and let him know which way to go. Well that right away didnt instill a positive sense of confidence in me that he knew where he was going. And low and behold he didnt. Then when the lady who did know how to get there tried to tell him he wouldnt listen. It was a comedy trying to direct that man. We dropped of different groups, all had local volunteer ACORN members with them. Most groups had two or three teachers, for me it was just me and my volunteer. We had to go to a housing project. The building was difficult to find initially but we found it. We went in and walked to the stairs. The area was dark and dirty. We walked up to the third floor and then realized we needed the second floor. We went back down the dark stairwell and found the apartment. She knocked on the door and told them who we were, we waited a little bit and then a boy, a teenager, came and said she wasn't there and had cancelled the home visit. So we left and went back outside. The bus was gone and as far as I was concerned, we were in the middle of the projects, on the westside, lost. I didn't relay any of these anxieties to her, I just said, "Well, what are going to do now?" She just matter of factly said we'll walk over to the next location. WALK, I thought!!! In this neighboorhood! But, that's what it was all about. Getting to know the people in the neighborhood. I said, OK, lets go. Hoping that I'm safe with this little ol' lady that I was paired with. The walk was hot. We stopped at a local vendor selling snowcones on the street and she bought one for me and herself. I probably would have walked by him if I was on my own. We got a little turned around but she got us to the next house and we visited with group there. We sat on the front porch and talked about the changing neighborhood and waited for the bus driver to return. We must have stayed ther for about forty five minutes when he finally drove up. It was a good experience.It will help me understand the conditions my children have to go through just to come to school sometimes. My sensitivity level was heighten to their everyday struggles. I don't come with sympathy and low expectations. I come with inspiration and high expectations.  

I hadn't checked my email in a couple of days and noticed today that I had a AOL Alert that a comment had been posted in my journal. A comment, what, who, how, was it you, when??!!! So I read the comment, encouraging, uplifting, nothing dirty, (thank goodness) and nothing too personal. So I investigated. When was this posted, was it in the journal now and why didn't I see this before?  So I found it was two entries ago, three if you count this entry. How did I feel about that? I have never had a written response to anything in this journal. Would it change what I write about now? Well, after over analyzing it like I do,  I decided, the message was good, it was positive and no harm was meant. So, of course, I continue with my love letters to you. That what I have decided they are meant to be. Sometimes they aren't but that's what they should be.

OK, I'm going to get ready and go to WWW. I haven't been this week.

Take Care and have a good evening. Be Blessed.

Good Morning


Good Morning Good Morning

This is the day that the Lord has made

We will rejoice and be glad in it

I am so happy that I am alive another day to worship and give glory to the Lord

One more day to get it right

I give God all the glory and all the honor

I rebuke satan and all his demons

I pray for God's power transform my mind and renew my spirit

I don't seek it for my own good but for the good of everyone else

I want positive good thoughts to walk with me and everyone else in my path today.

I pray this morning for healing and goodness

My goal for a comforting word for you in the morning is constantly being challenged by physical obstacles but I refuse to be defeated.

I pray that you have a good day today and that you are able to overcome all obstacles in your way.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Good Night

I had an interesting day.

I really had to humble myself and work on humility today.

I really want a good attitude when I begin with this school.

My thoughts and feelings are to take a courageous walk with Jesus and come out a winner. If I go in with a positive attitude and a good set of rules and routines then it will be a good year.

Tomorrow is an opportunity to meet the parents. We will walk the neighborhood and go to parents homes to visit with them and the children. I pray that I honor God and not say anything judgemental. I'm just thankful to have a job.

I wonder how your day was today? Did you have a successful day today? How are those headaches? Are you sleeping better? Is there any changes? I pray for complete and total healing for you. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. You are healed by his stripes. You are the head and not the tail. You are loved and needed.

I believe I have to be diligent and continue to have faith in God for everything. I trust him to guide me through my journey. He has plans for me to prosper and not to harm me.  I'm believing God for something and I know the truth of the situation is sometimes more than I want to believe but I believe it is possible. All things are possible. I feel God is getting me ready for the next thing, level, challenge. I know there's more to come. Faith leads me on.

My heart say good night and have sweet dreams. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. Have a restful night. Peace and Love to you.

Good Morning


Good Morning Good Morning

This is the day that the Lord has made. Give God all the glory, honor and praise.

I will be obedient when I hear his voice. I want to obey.

Dear Lord, thank you for continuing to work with me and continuing to mold me into the person you need me to be. I want to get it right.

I set my alarm to make sure I got up this morning. I don't plan to fail. I am committed to the success of this.

Today I begin the summer institute days in the Lawndale area. It's from 9:30 until 2:30. I look forward to touring the community; meeting and greeting the families; and having some classroom management instructions on the last day. That's what the next three days will be for me.

How are you today? Have you been feeling any better? I hope you have been taking care of yourself. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Be still and know that I am God.

Have a blessed day today and take good care of yourself. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.

Monday, August 15, 2005


I had an epiphany today that really opened my eyes.

I have been struggling and struggling with this journal and I have been coming up with nothing lately. Tonight, while in NMNB, I was listening to her tell a story about how she disobeyed and how when she went to a conference she got nothing out of it. God just seemed to speak to my spirit and say, see, I have been telling you to be diligent and obedient with my journal and you haven't done it, so I haven't been putting anything in you to put in the journal. When you are obedient, then I will bless you. I have been trying to understand why the journal and God says its not for me to understand. This journal was not for me but for him. I continued to see little indications like, when I would say this journal was my only link to you and how I needed to write in the morning and how I would feel guilty if I missed a day. All of that and more was an indication that I need to be more respectful of this link. I was not treating it right. I wasn't giving it my all. I was not giving it the importance it deserved. If  I couldn't handle a journal how could I ever expect to handle a relationship. I said yes to God, I said I wanted this and I wanted to do God's will. I believed this was what God wanted me to do but I had to trust him. Trust works both ways. I have to trust even when I don't understand. Trust him and know that He is God and believe Him at all times. So my commitment to the journal has to begin tonight. Commitment is so important. It's not just a word. I plan to make a time commitment to the journal. I will have an entry in, every morning, by 6am. I have picked that time because that will have to be the schedule when school starts back. I will be out of my comfort zone, I will have to be dedicated and diligent. Its like my spirit said, you have been doing what you want with this journal, placing entries anytime of the day and saying anything to please you, now I want you to please me. Show some concern for the person reading this and show me that you can be diligent. I just have to be respectful and obedient. those were the two words that just seem to repeat. There was more but this was important for me to say. So I will from now on make sure there is an entry every morning by 6am. My promise. My commitment.


I keep expecting something good. I have a positive spirit of expectation. I have to believe something good is coming out of this.

I wonder if you attended the funeral today? I imagine it was moving.

I have to leave for class now. We are worshipping tonight.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Good Night

What a really good service today. The youth did such a great job. It was wonderful that you had the vision for such a youth oriented theme. You really do care alot about the community. You are amazing. Your heart is in the right place.

I'm believing for the amazing and wonderful. For goodness and just positive things all around.

I'm going to bed now, I'm tired and I have an early day tomorrow. I plan to mow the lawn and trim the hedges. Plan to are the key words. 

Take care and have a blessed night and sleep well. I pray that you are feeling better and I would love to have an update. Are we just waiting and waiting to see if there are any changes.

Good Morning

Good Morning

This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Another day and have to start it off thanking God for waking me up and starting me on my day.

Why is it that the Holy Spirit encourages me make an entry., make contact with you on a  daily basis? When I miss a day, I feel like we have missed making a connection of some kind.

What a blessing it is to have another day to get it right. I look forward to fellowshipping in the house of the Lord.  The youth are doing the service, Yeah! I'm bringing my youngest today.

God is such a good God.

I have a good feeling about today, I have a spirit of expectation. Everyday is a good day. I wanted to make sure that I said something today since I missed yesterday and I couldnt let another minute go by without writing.

Have a blessed day today.

Friday, August 12, 2005

I'm at my Dad's

I didn't check the typing before I sent it. Sorry for the mistakes. Please forgive me. He has a sticky keyboard.

t my dad'xHello


I'm at my dad's and we have been working on the apartment with my cousin and we have been very successful. Laying tiles, working on the bathroom and just trying to finish this up by the 15th.

I just had to stop and say hello since I didnt get a chance to make an entry earlier and I didnt want the day to go by with out saying hello.

What with the outages in our area, it didnt affect our house, thank God, bugt it has affected stores and stuff in the area. It was difficult.I'm looking forward to a quiet day tomorrow.

Take Care and be blessed. I'm on my dad's computer so I will end now. I hope all is well with you this evening.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning and God Bless You.

This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. I shall bless the Lord at all times.

I wanted to say hello this morning and just bless you on you r day. You are blessed going in and blessed coming out.

I pray that you have a wonderful day today.I pray that you receive the desires of your heart. I give God the glory and the hornor in everything I do today and next day and the next.

I have to go to dad's today and try and finish up some of the stuff for the apartment. Our goal is to rent by  September or at least have it ready for that.My oldest daughter told me she was moving out. She has signed a lease for 12 months and is moving in with her boyfriend. No, I don't like it, Lord I have prayed over it and voiced my concerns. She did move to a plase near her job, so she is close to home. She's 24 and wants some independence.

I'm relying on God to guide her and to guide me so that Idon't push her away.

Be still and know that I am God.

Have a truly blessed day and take care of yourself today. Be blessed and be a true blessing to everyone you encounter today.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Thank You

Thank You so much for the powerful experience of being able to view the documentary and listen to the producer tell about his journey. The story needs to be told and the truth really needs to come out. Even though the remaining people involved are black, they need to tell the truth, I hate the fact that a crime of oppression against a black person now only has black people let to pay the consequences. Pay they must. Grant immunity, get the truth, the real truth. The story needs to be told truthfully, no matter what the consequences are. We know the confession of the main participants but they didnt do it alone. I saw the PBS documentary and it was very similar but took to audience  down the reason why it was a big deal for Emmett to interact in anyway with a white woman. It was a different angle. 

I plan to incorporate the movie and more of the story of Emmett Till in my curriculum. The Lawndale Community Center called so that I could spend three days next week with the community, parents and getting to know some of the students next week before I begin teaching. I thought that was a good idea. It gives me a chance to meet and greet who I will be teaching and find out about their environment and homelife. I'm looking forward to the experience.

I continue to have a good spirit of expectation. I'm ready to talk and relax, and I know its my time to do this. I don't know where it will lead but I continue to have a spirit of expecation. I count it all as joyu. Nothing but goodness.

I hope you are just getting fed up with me and all of this stuff because I know I am. You are really great. I know this and I dont want you to feel rejected in anyway. I continue to have a good spirit of expectation and nothing but good things are going to happen. I am thinking positive and expecting the best from this, no matter what.

I want you to take care of yourself. Do what you need to do, be safe and careful. Continue to speak the truth and be the strong person you are. You are a good person. I have to say thins to you eventhough I seem to be repeating it, I want you to know that I do think you are a great person. You do so much for the community and I know your heart is in the right place.

Have a good night and be blessed.

Tuesday, August 9, 2005



Someone ran into my car yesterday. Then they drove off. I was on my way into NMNB class. I jumped out of my car and the guy didnt have any insurance and he jumped back into his car and drove off. I was upset. But I went ot class anyway. I.m turning it over to God. I can't do anything about it, the guy was a jerk and vengence is the Lord's department. I'm not being saintly or too holy. I was mad. I showed him I was mad and I think that's shy he jumped in his car and drove away. But what can I do now. I can't continue to be mad over it. I have to let go of it and move on. I can still drive it. Its more than a ding, its not totally messed up where I can't drive it. I refuse to be defeated by satan. I still went to the class and didnt say one word about it. I didnt want to give satan one bit of acknowledgement. I'm just not going to be depressed about it. I'm moving on.

I'm driving my brother's car tonight. My daughter is coming with me too.

I have to hurry up now. Take Care and Be Blessed.

Monday, August 8, 2005




I have spent the morning in prayer and I have two new scriptures that I am continuing to reflect and renew my self with. I can handle it, deal with it.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

Deuteronomy 31:6

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

Deuteronomy 31:8

Trust to hold on in the mist of the storm. Release faith to expect it. Then trusting Jesus to manifest it in my life. Trust in God. Give me the grace I need to trust you after I believe you. You are not the Son of Man to lie in his word. Others have walked away from me but I trust you and your word. Trust, trust, trust.

I trust God in my finances. I want to be a good steward of my finances and I continue to tithe. I don't want to change it because I'm believing God for an increase, and he has blessed me to have a little more money here and there. I don't have to spend as much so I have done well this summer managing my finances. I have been tithing at the same level even though I have not received a full paycheck since July 15th. I am believing God for my finances. I had a blessing when I got the job after less than thirty minutes in the interview. That was just ridiculous!

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. When tempted, no on should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. Don't be deceived, my dear brothers. James 1:12-16

Keep pressing on even when its painful. I just have to take authority and keep pressing on. When I'm going through the tough times I know that if God allows me to have the trial then I can take it, I can handle it.

I have been completing my test for the NMNB class and temptation is the theme there. Adam and Eve. Deception and Disobedience. God continues to strengthen us. I don't want to be thought of as a deceptive distraction. I want to follow God's will.

I hope you have had a good morning. More blessings this week for you. I want to hear the really good news that you feel great and you are better everyday.I want nothing but good health and happiness for you today and the rest of the week. I'm still believing for more miracles. The More, the abundance of Life.

My goal for todya is to go to W3 before class. My daughter is in town so maybe she will go with me. Having a partner is good encouragement.

I am listening to the sermon from yesterday and I just noticed I returned here in 1989. The year you paid of the debt for the church. God is making this a successful church. God wants His word and will to flow from this. Good things are happening.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone today. What a blessing you are to me.

Sunday, August 7, 2005


What a ricidulously glorious day!

I am so happy to have heard all of that good news today. What blessings we have received in the faith community. I'm praying for the overflow. The totally ridiculous!

This has been an interesting year of journaling for me. A lot of emotional garbage was just taken out today and left on the alter. I refuse to pick it up again.  I've given myself the opportunity to have good things continue to happen to me and to keep my hedge of protection around me. God won't give me something I can't handle, so I'm going to handle it and just deal with it. Only the things from God do I want.

What a blessed day today. I'm so excited about the air conditioning.


Saturday, August 6, 2005

What a Ridiculously Beautiful Day

Thank You for such a wonderful beautiful morning. You spoke to my heart today. I heard you . Tears just streamed down my face. I always need the truth from you. I would love to know what you really think is the problem/reason/delay/cause. Why is it I can hear you, agree with you and in your presence up close and personal, panic attack. I did think my dream would not come to pass. I thought I had blown it. You knew I felt that way. I say you don't know me, but in many ways you know me all too well.  I'm never giving up.

Today after I got home I had a quick nap and then went to volunteer at the food depository for three hours. It felt good and I wasnt too tired.

Now of course bedtime will come early. I feel my eyes getting heavy now. I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for taking me into the deep. Thank you for going deeper with me and continuing to care.Thank you for always willing to take that extra step, going the extra mile and just for being there. Be blessed.

Friday, August 5, 2005


I'm excited about the day. Nothing but good things are happening.

My daughter decided to go to grad school for speech therapist, something I had been encouraging her to do for a long time. She majored in linguistics and I told her she would need more than a linguistics degree to support herself. She listened to me. I just stopped saying anything about it and she decided to do it. I have always told them its important to know how to do something,. Be certified in something. Have a distinguishable talent. I want my girls to be self sufficient. Here I am again, relying on self and teaching my children to do the same.

 Trust in God and learn to rest in His grace.

I have to go spackle and scrub and wash walls so we can beging painting next week. Then of course make it back by 9pm so I can get my hair done. Then wake, if I even get to sleep, by 2am so we can be on time, 3:45. I'm bringing mom. She wants to know what all the fuss is about.She still can't believe we are in church for 3 and 4 hours. I don't even notice the time anymore.

What's your day like today? I hope this has been a week of blessings for you. Health, business and personal. Nothing but miracles walking down your street. I believe something good has happened this week and its not over yet. I know you have healing and happiness with you. I pray for it continually for you. Nothing but goodness and fruitfulness today. Take Care and have a very blessed day today. Be Blessed and be a blessing to someone.

Thursday, August 4, 2005

To See the World


What a wonderful day the Lord has made.

I've been gettin my stuff together for school.

I've been keeping my self positve and staying on track for this new school year.

I'm expecting a miracle, I have a spirit of expectation and I'm eager, excited and just impatient for a miracle. I'm expecting it to happen at any moment. I believe all things are possible.Just saying it makes me happy. I'm expecting a miracle.

I praying for nothing but good things for you. Be Blessed.

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Good Morning

I count it all as good. I need to slow down and just let God take control. Good Morning, Good Morning. This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Your spirits were good and as always you did a fantastic job of identifying the what needs to be done. You are a jewel in the community. You're fantastic, which is good for the faith community. I am going to take my winning gift certificate and by school supplies for the children to donate. It was something extra so I just want to give back to the community. I was happy just to win. I keep pressing forward. Baby steps, but I keep pressing forward. I hope you have a good day. I pray for total and complete healing for you. Also happiness in your life. Nothing but good things for you.

Be blessed and have a good day. No plans for me today except to workout, go to the post office and maybe work on my two summer projects. Enjoy.


Tuesday, August 2, 2005


Two of my really good friends from the Navy live in the DC area. We were all in London together. They married and were still together to this day. I received an email from him that she is dying today. She had many different illness that lead to this point and they always thought she was getting better. Nothing to dibilating, always stuff they could handle. Sunday she fell out of bed and broke her leg in two places. They thought ok, not good but she'll be home with crutches and cast by Monday. Early this morning she stopped breathing, they brought her back after 25 minutes but now she's brain dead. They are keeping her alive for family to get there. They will take her off life support later this afternoon. that's devestating to me.Tom and Emily were an interracial couple.He's white and she's black. He just got over cancer this year, she recovered from brest cancer a few years ago, she had MS but was working with it really well. Its just a tragedyI sent him some scriptures and told him I was praying constantly for him and his family. I just trust God to know the beginning and the end and to teach us how to manuever the inbetween.

Well my day will consist of going from my old school, picking up a form that needs to be signed and going to my new school to drop it off. I will also be at the march tonight. Have a blessed day today, my thoughts and prayers are with you always.

Monday, August 1, 2005

Butterfly Kisses

Butterfly kisses from God. I don't want to make you unhappy, I want to make you happy. I want you to relax around me and not worry. I'm OK and if you are OK then we are both OK. Have a good night and I'm sorry for causing you so much heartache. I really don't mean to be such trouble. I pray for healing and happiness for you. Have a good night sleep, rest your mind and your body. Relax, I've turned it over to God and I trust Him to work everything out and I know HE CAN DO ALL THINGS. Be blessed, and be a blessing, remember this is your week for a miracle. Believe it. I thought this was good and I wanted to send it to you.

Rules from God

1. Wake Up !!

Decide to have a good day.
"Today is the day the Lord hath made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Psalms 118:24

2. Dress Up !!

The best way to dress up is to put on a smile.
A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.
Man looks at outward appearance;
but the Lord looks at the heart."

I Samuel 16:7

3. Shut Up!!

Say nice things and learn to listen.
God gave us two ears and one mouth, so He must have meant
for us to do twice as much listening as talking.
"He who guards his lips guards his soul."

Proverbs 13:3

4. Stand Up!!...

For what you believe in.
Stand for something or you will fall for anything..
"Let us not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time,
we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good..."

Galatians 6:9-10

5. Look Up !!...

To the Lord.
"I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

6. Reach Up !!...

For something higher.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not unto your own understanding.
In all your ways, acknowledge Him,
and He will direct your path."

Proverbs 3:5-6

7. Lift Up !!...

Your Prayers.
"Do not worry about anything;
instead PRAY ABOUT

Philippians 4:6

Send this tothe people you care about.
I thought this was mighty special, just like you.
Pass this on and brighten someone's day, and remember:

God answers Knee-Mail.



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