Thursday, March 31, 2005

Hello, Hello, Hello

I hope you had a good day. God has let me pass this day in relative peace.  My evening prayer is for continual peace. Relative calm. I didn't call this morning because I think you are busy and the calls are not that important. I am just Praise be to the Lord. It seemed like a good idea at the time.  I just wanted to wish you well and wanted you to just have a friendly word from me in the morning. Just something to say since I don't get to write my hellos in the morning anymore.

Night time prayers.

"When I was in distress, I sought the Lord;

at night I stretched out untiring hands

and my soul refused to be comforted." Psalm 77:2

Contentment with our choices. Facing life's challenges with some degree of contentment. Sleeping with that decision. Life's Challenges. My choice. Be Blessed and have a good night. I'm just thinking out loud. Nothing really. I had a strange dream and its made me think about my choices. My subconscious.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Good Night

What a day.

I had class this evening. Last class. I can't wait until June then I'm done.

I listened to your Sunday message in the car. I spend a lot of time in the car. At least three hours everyday. I have a lot of time to listen to differnt things.

I'm tired. I woke up at 2:30-3:00 this morning and it took a long time to get back to sleep. So much on my mind. I'm going to pray tht this week ends wuickly. I can't wait until the weekend.  I hope you sleep well. Don't worry. Good Night.

Good Morning

Good Morning, Good Morning

I called twice this morning. Sorry I couldn't stay on the line but I had to clock in and go to work. But I'm thinking about you and wanted to let you know that I wish nothing but the best for you today. Be strong, be encouraged and enjoy your day. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Be Blessed today.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Good Night

I think Monday the kids were still sleeping and that's why it went so well. Today they woke up.

" My flesh and my heart may fail, but

God is the strength of my heart

and my portion forever." Psalm 73:26

I hope you got my greeting. I hope your day went well.

"If I told you what I really need, would your heart and soul still say yes? The Lord says there is more that I require of thee, will your heart and soul say yes?"

I am listening to that from the 7 Last Words. I still say yes, yes, yes. What ever I have to do I say yes. I'm going to make this work. I know it will work. I believe it will work. I rely on God to see me through. I rely on you to lead me, guide me and direct me. I rely on your strength and integrity. Good Night, Be Blessed.

Monday, March 28, 2005

In Secret

I listened to Rev Wright's Monday night service on TV. He struck a real cord. He talked about the DL. The down low. Keeping things under cover. Encrypted, in code, in hiding. What a conviction. This journal was something I had started just on my own. I didn't start it with the belief that you would find it and then we would communicate through it. My actions in your presence would suggest otherwise, though. When we are together, I am quiet and unassuming. Almost non existent. How to reveal the secret?

My actions indicate I want to keep this a secret. I don't. I inadvertedly have turned this into a secret liason type meeting. I think that's why I kept wanting to stop the journal and bring this into the open. The journal keeps us connected, but it has become the only communication. We need to enhance it. Actual presence is the key. I don't want to hide or have some clandestine relationship that only we know about. Even calling you to wish you well is still keeping it private and secret.I should know how to bring this relationship out into the open. It shouldn't be this difficult for me. You would think when people have relationships in secret that stuff is being done wrong between them. We don't have any of that going on. It's the total opposite. Our secret is not so secret really. What is the secret really? Only that we have been reading and writing in a journal.

Good Morning

Good Morning.

I feel so good. I did what I said I would do. It truly is a new beginning. Have a blessed day. Let's see how I feel after my first day back.

Be Blessed and be a blessing to someone today.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

What a Fabulous Day

Remarkable. Today was a very good day.

God has his hands on you. He continues to direct you in his ways. Thank you for listening to God.

I am truly convicted and so much that I am pressed to wish you well in the morning. I will each morning this week to wish you well and give you good thoughts and blessings for the day. I just feel compelled to do that. Just to say hello, and hope that all goes well in your day. That you know I am concerned and interested in you and your day. I'm going to do it on my way in every morning between 7:30 and 8:00. I will leave it on the machine for Mon and Tues since you will be closed. I hope that's ok. I just feel pressed to greet you in the morning and wish you well.

Now, you need to enjoy some much needed rest. You have done a wonderful thing and this week was exhausting. I know if I'm tired, from Thurs - Sun activities, you must be truly exhausted. Rest, reflect and rejuvenate. You have done well.


Glory, Glory, Glory

He Has Risen!!!

Glory, Glory, Glory!!!

That day is here. Thank you Lord.

I'm getting ready to leave because everyone wants to be there today and I want to get a good seat. Blessings to you today. My heart, my thoughts and my prayers are with you today.  I know we will worship the Lord today.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Be Blessed Tonight


That was a very wet baptism! Very interesting!

As always, when I'm in your presence everything seems ok.

You have a lot of work ahead of you tonight for the big show tomorrow.

You can make it happen.

When you go to bed tonight, have a restful sleep. Relax and know that I love you and God loves you. I plan to do the same thing. I believe this is new. Yes, I say yes, yes, yes.

After tomorrow I won't see you until next Sunday, so I really hope everything goes well. Be Blessed and Be a Blessing to someone. Have a good night sleep. See you in the morning.



Good Friday was a good day. The words convicted me. I took to heart the message for me. I can't do it alone. I fell ashamed to continue to ask for another chance, another chance, another chance. But without it, I don't know how to do it. Let God lead, let God command and just let go. Let go. I give up control. You are amazing and I am very pleased to be in your presence. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. I believe all things are possible if we have faith and believe. I believe I have a new attitude. I am renewed and refreshed. I believe I have faith in this new beginning.

You have worked very hard for this weekend to be fantastic and so far it has been. This will be my first time attending the baptism. Some of the ladies are getting together for a lunch, for my birthday, then going to the baptism afterwards. I didn't really need anything, but they wanted to do something. I look forward to it.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Good Morning

Thank You for playnig last night. The service was great.

I look forward to lots of enrichment today.

As always, I keep you close in my thoughts and my prayers.

Continue to convict me with the things I need to do. I pray to have ears to hear and eyes to see. I have to leave now so I can get a good seat. Blessings to you today.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Holy Thursday

I marked this day on my calendar in January, now its here.

Time goes by whether we want it to or not. I'm glad its here.

Today, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

What a full weekend. I know you must excited that its finally here.

I look forward to this weekend.

Hope reigns eternal. I had hoped...

I continue to stay hopeful. Hope.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Lighten Up

Everything doesn't have to always be so somber and thoughtful.

Some things can just be fun.

Happy Easter

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Don't Be Afraid, Just Believe

...don't be afraid, just believe... Mark 5:36

Willingness to suffer until you get right. Those were your words Sunday. I would love for it to be right, right now. I would love to have a sense of  calm and comfort right now. I want to get it right right now. I want to know I can still get it right. I want to know there is hope, faith, and the ability to get it right. Getting it right, what is that really? What does it look like? When will it be right?

Willingness to really forgive someone. Willingness to really take up a cross that's a real burden. Willingness to forgive myself. Willingness to ask for forgiveness from you.

So how do I really do this. I have to be willing to take up my cross. Willing to do the hard stuff. Willing to accept the challenge. Willing to see it through to the end. Willing to keep trying until it really is right. Willing to do. Willing to lead. Willing to follow. Willing to do what ever is necessary. I will do what ever is necessary in any situation. I am the last person to have a fear of anything. If it was asked of the people who know me am I a fearful person the answer would be no. I am the first to want to go in and do something to get it done. I don't believe in delay, in waiting, in a reluctance to not do something that needs to be done. That's what's so amazing to me, why now? I want to understand. I am not understanding.






New Life

Chosen: Called to a Holy Life

"Yellow Calla" Print

Monday, March 21, 2005


As I sit here, writing an entry, I wonder what exactly I have to say.

I will, I can, I am...I want, I must, I......

Its not about me. Less of me, more of thee....

I stay,  I'm here, I am part of this.

It's so simple, so plain. So obvious.


I'm challenged to do some serious house cleaning.

I am so sorry.

I hope that you have a blessed day and that you are successful in all of your endeavours. I know it will get better, it has to.

Be Blessed and be a Blessing to someone.You are wonderful and very much appreciated.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Grace Under Pressure

I'm listening to today's service again. It was great. I knew it would be.

Obedient up to and including death.

I watched a movie last night on the killings in Rwanda. This was on HBO and focused on the brother of the man on the radio, spewing all of the hate that continued to encite the violence against the Tutsi. Mans inhumanity to man. Reduce our fellowman to an object, cockroaches, and we can then just exterminate, as if they are pestilence. one another deeply, from the heart... 1 Peter 1:22

We must have a mind for the things of God. If you want to follow me you have to do the same. We must deny self and pick up our cross. Less of me and more of Christ.

The cross is necessary for discipleship. The cross is nonnegotiable. Especially for followers of Jesus Christ. Before you can put on the crown you have to pick up the cross. The cross is a symbol of suffering. We live in a time when we line up in blessing lines and we seek comfort and blessings for our lives, we have a difficult time with the hanging and suffering Jesus.

We rather see him walk on water and heal the blind and the deaf. But those things didn't save me, it was the blood that saved me. We have a hard time with bloody Jesus.

If we are to follow Him we must pick up the cross. We have a difficult time with the cross. The cross interrupts my wantings and desires. It challenges me. It asks me if I have enough love to lay down my life. To actually die for the cross. Love in my heart and in my spirit. Do I have enough love to suffer? Suffering and the willingness to suffer is not attractive. Understand it is absolutely necessary for present day discipleship that we have to lay down the palm branch and pick up the cross.

Ghandi said that We have to understand that to believe that redeemptive suffering is necessary. Moral power to voluntary suffering for power. Blessed are those who are persecuted for they shall see the things of God. King said we will meet you physical force with spiritual force. King said do to us what you will and we will still love you. Soon we will wear you down by our capacity to suffer.

By wearing you down we will win our freedom. Our capacity to suffer and our capacity to freedom thinking we will win you over. The willingness to suffer.We serve a radical Jesus. We cannot be formed by Jesus and run from the cross. We have to embrace the cross and the willingness to carry it. It's a hard gospel. As christians we have abandoned the cross.You can't get to resurrection without going through the cross. You have to pick up the cross.

Enough for now, I have to finish listening to the service.

Good Morning

Good Morning. I hope youare doing well this morning. Today's a big day but youwill do extremely well. I am getting ready so I can get there on time. I have to drop my daughter of at work first. My other daughter came in and surprised me this weekend too. This is her spring break also. I've taken vitamins, and juice, and boxes of kleenex, and any thing else I could do for congestion. I think I can make it. OK, so I'll see you soon. Tell me what I have to do. What must I do to be saved?

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Good Morning

"Easter Morning III" Print

Good Morning. I hope you are feeling well today. I think I might have the flu. I don't usually get sick so I am hoping that with rest, plenty of fluids and lots of vitamin C and kleenex,  I'll feel better in a few hours or at least by tomorrow. Right now, I'm feeling pretty lousy. It's probably because we are out for a week, I am finally able to relax a little and my defenses were down. I think this will be over today.

I pray tht you have a good day. I know you are busy and there is lots to do, stay focused, keep yourself healthy, and you will be successful, as always. I look forward to tomorrow and the coming week.

"Like obedience, service is something we offer up to God as an act of trust and love and worship." Lois Evans

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrafice, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship." Romans 12:1

"Black Resurrection" Print

Friday, March 18, 2005

Thank You for Small Favors

Spring Break!!!!!

I made it.

I think I'm getting a little under the weather so I am going to bed with some hot tea and NYQUIL. It has been a long day.

I'm sorry I don't have more to say, I will be up later probably. Its off to bed now. My head is swimming and I need to rest.

Quiet date night.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Forgive Myself

That is the hardest thing for me to do. I think I am not the one for you. I think I am too fat. I think I am just not right for you. I think to much. I am my own worst enemy.

I continue to hear how I am delaying God's will in  my life in your life , in the church's life. In the process, delaying the future of the church. God knows I don't want to be responsible for that. I don't want to have an insurmountable, unbeatable problem. That's just way too much responsibility. I just have to look at this one step at a time.

I know that you have the patience of Job when it comes to me, yet I continue to think that you are fed up and this is the last straw, you won't be there. I don't think you have ever indicated anything to me but care and concern but I choose to believe its not about me and think differently. When I really get honest with myself, I just don't believe its really real. Its you and me. Its amazing to me. You and me. I think, he's just being nice, he;'s just tolerating me, he's afraid I'm some crazy woman, or just all of the above. I'm trying to dump the fears, the truths the concerns and get to a point of acceptance and really make this happen and see a future, what ever it may be. This has been an overwhelming concern in my life for a long time.

When you watch a movie or are watching someone else you can see the things they are doing wrong. You can see what the roadblocks are for them and even predict what will come along to remove those roadblocks. When its you, when its your life, its like you are in a pea soup fog. Everybody knows but you. They can see what you need to do, they can even predict what will happen to remove the road block. They all ways know what you are doing wrong. You can see what I am doing, others can see what I am doing. I just seem to do it. I want to get it right. Why is it so hard for me?

I put the cares and concerns on the altar tonight. If I am hung up about past relationships, I put it on the altar. I put every hurt I have ever felt, I put on the altar. Every hurt I have ever caused, I put on the altar. What ever it is that is causing me to doubt and not believe, I put it on the altar.

Please have a blessed night and sleep well. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Are you worried about me at this school? I feel that tension. I'm fine. I'm frustrated with their behavior, but in general it seems to get better everyday.

I'm OK. Don't worry.  I don't get to put in an entry as often as I would like but I think I also want to talk and I am turning away from the comfort of communicating with you through the journal, which I have become comfortable with.

I want to force myself to do what I need to do. I can't understand the reluctance. I never had it before. I don't have it now. It just seems to come up when you are around me. I don't know what to say. Tell me what to say. Tell me what to do. When I see you I should.... I should say......    help me with this, I want to do it. Help me do this right. I need your help.  Don't worry I'll be alright.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Fed Up, Disillusioned, Let Down, Frustrated, Unrewarded, Just Plain Tired, Nothing has changed, I feel taken for granted. I am no chump. I may not have the grace you need. God will get someone else to do his work. Hiding your talent. You are needed. What are you going to do about it. Don't make the mistake of taking God for granted or me. Do what you are suppose to do. You know you have to do something so just do it.

I hear you.

I tried to ignore hoping it would just happen, it didn't. OK, I have something new in mind. I'm not saying it, I'm jist going to do it.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Thinking Outside the Box


"Marriage" Print


If you keep doing things the same way, don't be surprised when you get the same results.

I want to have a positive side to life where I am expecting the world and it happens.

I don't want to cry because I blew it again, I want to smile because I had a chance and I get to try again. I smile because the moment happened.

I want to be on the same page and I want to get it. Understand and know.

I think the church is a beautiful place for a wedding and I can understand why people would ask you to be married there. I would.

Listening for the message and hearing the message. I want to know and get it right.

I know God has picked the right person for me. It just wouldn't work any other way. No one else would do. It 's amazing how well God knows me. What do you think, did he get it right with you? Does it pique your interest to know?

It's so easy to love you.


Sunday, March 13, 2005

Unconditional Love


I hope I was the intended person for the "I still love your crazy self " message. I wondered if you did or not. I still love you as well. I guess I don't need the counseling session. I guess I just wanted to clear up some misconceptions that I feel you have but what the heck. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.

"Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God." Romans 15:7

"We can't form our children on our own concepts; we must take them and love them as God gives them to us." Goethe

Faith, Faith, Faith.


Privilege brings Responsibility

Good Morning, God Bless. The sun is shining the birds are singing, its a beautiful day. I'm preparing for church and as I was reading the bible this morning I couldn't help but be drawn to Amos 3. After watching the Passion and seeing how the Israelites were confident in their belief of Yahweh, the living God. The continued to persecute him, but it was necessary for God's palns to come to light. We are so blessed to be loved by such a powerful and forgiving God.

 They were the chosen people of God, their refuge was in him, but nevertheless the Lord's judgment fell on them.  The one's with the authority and power,  ignored and greatly feared the Messiah. They orchestrated his ultimate death on earth. Lead by satan. The abuse of thier power was evident throughout the events.

The privilege that they had with the people to convince them to kill the Christ was enormous. Christ could receive no mercy from the privileged people, the chosen people whom he loved. He took up the cross, he was privileged and yet he bore our sins and was brutally persecuted. His privilege brough a greater responsibility and ultimate earthly death.

With Power comes Responsibility.

 I ask the Lord to give me the strength of character that I need to be responsible as a person of God. To hear his voice and recognize his plans. I pray that I recognize his voice and continue to hear and walk in his ways. My steps are ordered by My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have to get my steps ready to go to church now.

"Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets." - Amos 7

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Be Blessed

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."


"Only you take my breath away, and breathe new life into me."


Songs, they keep us focused on the moment. The spiritual, the emotional and the infinitely awesomeness of God. We chose to be enthusiastic and our enthusiasm is usually rewarded. We chose to work towards God's will in our life. We chose it openly and without reservation.

My day went well. I accomplished some of the things I wanted to do. I have spent the last three hours trying to figure out this interactive lesson planner for my literature book. I'm not going to bed until I have my lesson plan for the rest of the year done.

I hope your day was good. I hope you did the things you needed to do and possibly even got some rest. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Be Blessed.

"Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs." Psalm 100:2

Good Morning

Thank You Lord for waking me up this morning and allowing me to see another day.

I am so blessed.  I have a warm bed, food in the house and a computer that works. Blessings, magnificent blessings.  Thank you Lord for the blessings.Thank you Lord for finding something in me worth using. Thank you Lord  for being all that I ever need and want. My Alpha and Omega. Thank You Lord.

Well, more snow. Thank You Lord. In everything give thanks.  It doesn't bother me. I'm just so blessed to have a Saturday where I don't have to go to work or am scheduled someplace. On the agenda today is: Teacher Store, Home Depot, Library. That might be a bit generous but I am going to try and do that while  also completing some washing and cleaning my room. I feel very invigorated  this morning. I have a to do list. I hope this energy lasts through the day. My high energy levels are in the morning. As the day moves on, I dwindle.

I hope you were able to have a good night's sleep and you are now able to do the things necessary for yourself today. Be blessed today and know that I have nothing but the best wishes for you,  your comfort and success. Be comforted in knowing that you are with me in spirit daily. I do want to counsel and I need to know what to do to make that happen.

"Only God can fully satisfy the hungry heart of Man." Hugh Black

"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God..."

 Psalm 42:1

Friday, March 11, 2005


Thank you for such a wonderful, spiritual, emotional evening. Watching a movie like that in the safe confines of the sanctuary and then spending time worshipping God for what he has done for us was so appropriate. You are so thoughtful and considerate to allow people to leave on their own.

I don't want to be double minded and seem to change my mind often. I said I wanted to be counseled by you and I do. Period. What do you think?

I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow. I have to go to the teacher store in Woodridge and correct papers. that's it for obligation tomorrow. Thank you again for a wonderful evening.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Thank You Lord

Thank you Lord for not letting me have a horrible day. Testing is over and we relaxed with a movie in the lunchroom this morning and I showed a science movie this afternoon. A half day tomorrow, and the week is over. I get to go to a movie tomorrow evening. Date Night. My mother wants to come along. You said bring someone who doesn't know Christ. She thinks she does but she doesn't. She's a Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn worshipper. She loved Jim and Tammy Faye. I don't like any of them.

Lord you can work on this homelife anytime you want. A calender offends someone. I can't put up a calender. Lord, Lord, Lord.  You know my needs inside and out and your are with me through every ordeal. I look to you Lord for my strength everyday.

"Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always." 1 Chronicles 16:11

Wednesday, March 9, 2005

Heaven Kissed the Earth

I think that's just beautiful. Heaven kissed the Earth. Amazing Love.

God's plans are working in my life and I pray that I don't mess them up.

This is all God's doing because if I had any control what so ever it wouldn't be.

How many times do I have to run around the block?? Ten, eleven, how many to get it right?

I want to get it right. I am desperate to get it right. I want to receive all that God has for me. I know that God's plan for me is to prosper and not to hurt.

I am going through a process that I continue to struggle with. I want to get it right. I want to be on the same page. I want to know that things haven't changed. I haven't changed. I've just been going through the process.

It's like trudging through mud, sometimes the journey is slowed but you just don't stop and wallow in the mud. I'm believing God for my future. For my today. For my right now. Sometimes I have to just take it hour by hour. I believe God actually cares about me. I don't want to seem as if I am grumbling or complaining all the time. I'm just going through the process and if God is in it with me, which he is, then its going to be all right. I want to be open to receive the peace and comfort he has for me. God's plan, my role, my function in the church. Where I need to be and doing what I need to do.  I want to fulfill all that is required of me. I want to get it right. Where do I have to go, what do I have to do? What's required to have me reach the next level? I want to get it right.

I pray that God will show me where I belong. I believe God has matched me where I belong at a church. Now God has to mold me into the purposeful woman that he needs me to be. God knows what I need before I even ask. He knows me and what is right for me. He knows what excites me, what makes me laugh, cry and just wonder about. God knows me. He knows my heart and mind. He knows my soul and I believe he will not give me something I can't do. He will challenge me and I need that, but it will be alright. I pray that he will guide me and continue to show me his awesome wisdom and truth.

I pray and seek the truth daily. I need the truth. I want the truth. I want to know what I need to do. What is really required of me and what I have to do to get it right. The truth. I choose to let God lead me in all things and I call upon his guidance and teaching to guide my life. Without him, I can't do it. It just won't be done without him. So I submit to the process,  it may not seem like it but I submit. I need to know whatever it is I am suppose to do I will do it, what ever it may be, as long as God is leading the way, I will follow.  Good Night.

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Hello and Good Afternoon

Just a short note to let you know I am thinking of you.

My day is going along as usual.

All things work together for good...all things.

Monday, March 7, 2005

Short Term Cost for Long Term Benefits

I constantly hear how it will be better after...

fill it in with what ever you want. Once you get through this, it will be a piece of cake.

Once you become a teacher, christian, will be different.

Its just harder, its not easy by any stretch of the imagination.

What is easier is knowing that I am not doing it alone. My Lord, My Jesus is with me and if I just keep the faith and rely on him to see me through the process, I will come out of it better, not bitter. Better is what I want. I want to learn the lesson, know that the discomfort and inconvience is not the only way of life I will know.

I am prepared to do what I have to do. I hope to get it right. I hope I don't have to keep taking the same test over and over again. I want to grow in my spiritual maturity. Good Night and take care.


Good Morning, Good Morning.

Thank God for waking me up this morning. I continually rejoice in the Lord and his goodness. He continues to bless me everyday of my life.

I had an early morning doctor's appointment and now I am home.

I want to correct myself for insistinting that you counsel me. I knw you are busy and to ask for an hour of your time every week is wrong. You have a lot more important things to do than worry about me.

I have my last class tonight and then we have a break for a couple of weeks. Then the absolute final class before the big M.A. ceremony in June.

I know you are busy and I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.

Sunday, March 6, 2005

My Process

I wore blue to match your eyes.

I hope you liked it.

I never quite seemed to have your attention. You had a very busy day today.

Thank you for allowing such a spiritual  evangelist to minister to the community.

What do I think as I continue to travel along my process. I know that God has a plan for me. I look at my situation and laugh at the absurb situation and the events that have taken place. I have wrestled with the thought of actually asking you to be my counselor. You don't want me to talk to any other. Were you telling me that I need to talk to you? I have prayed to God in regards to this and I get the message that if you are to be my friend, soulmate, and partner then you must be the one whom I share my secrets with. No one else. Do you have time for personal counseling? Can you take on that role in my  life? Can you manage both, pastor and mate? I have never had a pastor that I ever wanted to talk to and I now find a need to talk to you. Can I trust you to handle two very important roles in my life?  God has put this on my heart for some time now and I just have to get it out. Can we create a spiritual union from this? Can the spiritual and emoitional need be met? Is this what I have been struggling with? Allowing you to be my counselor, friend, and soulmate.Is this what you have been wanting me to do, talk to you only?

This has been on my mind for a long time. I have put it out to you, what do you think?

Saturday, March 5, 2005


Hel - lo

A two syllable word, said to each other in passing. Said twice.

Just hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello.

See you tomorrow.

I Miss You

Forgive me for not writing yesterday. It was very busy. I was exhausted when I got home and I went straight to bed. All of those things are excuses though, I have to make time for what is important to me and you are important to me.  I give thanks everyday that you are part of my life. Thanks and praise.

My goal is to get there this morning around ten.

I hope I have a chance to see you today. I'd love to actually talk to you.

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Another day to get it right. Praise the Lord.

Be Blessed and be a Blessing to Someone today.

Thursday, March 3, 2005

What a Day

Well, armed with the advice of others and my own sense of self, I had the ultimate confrontation today with a student. It led to a police report being filed and my being asked if I wanted him arrested. I didn't, but I did want it documneted for future references.  He did get a five day suspension.Now I have some respect. Crazy.


Wednesday, March 2, 2005

I have to disrespect people to get respect

That was the advice to me to get my classroom in order. The homeroom is obnoxious and disrespectful. I talk to them too much. I need to scare them by getting down to their level and show them I mean business. They want me to disrespect them and put them on their level, children under my authority. It can be done. Disrespect them to get their respect. Is that right?


Good Morning

God Bless you this morning.

I didnt see you after I got my book signed. Thank you for bringing another individual to enrich the commuity.

I wanted to take a minute and say good morning since I didnt have an entry for yesterday.

School is challenging and I am working to try to reach the students.

I hope you have a good day and are successful in every thing you do today.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone today.



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