Thursday, March 23, 2006

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. Thank you for today. I am happy to be able to get up this morning , even though I still have sinus problems and I am not in the best of health, but I can still praise you Lord. You are worthy to be praised. Lord I pray to abide in your word. You are the vine and I am the branch living in you. With you my world is awesome. No matter what it may look like in the physical. Without you I am lost, no matter what it may look like in the physical either. Without you Lord I do not want to go. I strive to live in you Lord, united with you and continuing to have you in my heart. You loved me before I loved myself. You assure me that if I keep walking towards you, you'll keep loving me and walking with me. You will never leave me nor forsake me. If I keep your commandments and do this joyfully , I will be able to delight in the full measure of your love, joy and overflowing abundance. I just plan to keep on seeking you Lord, and striving for a closer relationship.

Good Morning to you sweetie. How's your week been? Isn't life wonderful! Sometimes when you think the worst is about to happen, something good happens. Nothing really good has happened yet but I feel it about to happen. Attitude is everything. I'm expecting something good to happen.

I'm running late, I'm happy to have this laptop to enter a message this morning. I guess I'll have to call Dell tonight. This is the first time I will talk to them about my problem. I'm praying for good news, but I am also praying for the truth. Let it be a knowledgable person on the other end. Be blessed today honey, and try to be a blessing to someone.

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