Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Rebel With A Cause

I heard about your picture being in the paper. Wrestling with the police. How did today go?  If they get too rough with you I'll send acouple of my students down to put them in line.

My day was good. We did some art and there were no major problems. I came home right after school and cleaned up. Now I'm ready to relax.

I've been analyzing all my default areas and I just keep going over the same things. Money, Love and Family.  I don't have any money. I dont know how to manage money. I'm not interested in managing money.I try to manage what I have and keep my head above water.  I'm over 300,000 in debt. I'm no prize in the finance area. I know this. I know I'm lacking in this area. I try to make sure I dont write overdrafts, and I havent in a very long time.

What else about love is there. I dont claim to know it all. I feel I know very little about true love. Real love takes more than a one night stand or a superficial commitment. I want to be committed with my mind, body, and soul. I have such high hopes for us and our relationship. I want nothing but love, peace and soul oozing our pores. I want to wxperience the ultimate relationship with you. The as close to perfect relationship that we can possibly have.

Now as for family, what that has to do with us at this point I dont know. My aunt attends the church. She's the one I'm always talking to in the senior citizen area. My cousin is her son, he's the one who is crazy. I do seriously mean that. He does have some mental problems. He attends too. He's the loud one, tall, pot bellied and fifty. My daughter is pregnant with her new boyfriends baby. No surprise there. I've done nothing but be honest about my dad and his non believing, non church going self. My mother and her church going, hypocritical self. Not much left to analyze.

I'm tired. Time to find a new way of looking at the world, through Jesus' eyes. Have a wonderful evening.

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