Friday, October 14, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning. Thank You Lord for another day. Thank you for waking me up this morning. Lord I start each day looking to you for guidance and protection.

Thank God it's Friday. For a long time Fridays didn't mean anything for me. I worked the weekends too. I have worked some really weird schedules before.Losts of evening and weekend shifts. I've done over hundreds of hours from3pm to 11:30pm and from 11:00 until 7am. I've worked most holidays for a long, long time. I think I'm saying this to say I have earned the right to be thankful for Fridays and to enjoy the simple pleasure of having two days off in a row and those days being Saturday and Sunday and an occasional Monday holiday every now and then. Well that was a big digression. Must have been necessary though. My day is going to be fine. I look forward to seeing my students and all of the drama they bring with them.

My daughter's abuser went to court yesterday and he got thirty days in jail so that's an initial relief. We have to go back on 11/01. We didn't go yesterday, nor were we expected to go. I think we are finally about to see the backside of this nightmare. I know these kinds of things can continue, but for now, he's in jail.

Well, tonight is date night and I'm going to plan something different. Maybe go shopping at Sam's Club. Can't plan too much. Have a blessed day today. I hope to see you in the morning. Expect to have a good day today.

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