Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Good MOrning

Good MOrning Lord. I am humbled this morning. I am blessed that you think enough of me to want me to spend another day on this earth doing your will and working towardsbringing others to Christ. I am convicted with the need to bring others to Christ. To welcome others, to speak the good news to others. I shy away from that because I feel I am not the one to do that. I have such a messed up life who am I to tell others what to do. I am reminded that it is not for me to judge but for God. My story is to help others and I am a witness of God's grace and mercy and his lovingkindness. The things that could have come upon me and didnt I thank God for. Lord I am convicted today in my reading to be a witness to someone. I dont know who but you will let that happen.What you want me to say I dont know but I am ready. Thank you Lord for loving me and having something for me to do in your kingdom here on earth. Thank you for needing me.

Good Morning Sweetheart. I am destined for a humble day today. I will spend time getting my car up to par. Brakes, oil change, muffler maybe. Car registration, insurance. I'm trying to make sure I am prepared for the fall. I pray for my pastor and his congregation today. I pray for their love and development in knowledge and keen insight. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone special. I love you.

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