Sunday, April 23, 2006

Good Morning

Good MOrning Lord. Good morning, good morning. Thank you Lord for loving me today and reminding me of your love. I like to be in that special place where I know you love me Lord. Where I trust in you and know that you are with me. I have read this in both place where I search for you word. I guess that means this is my word for today. Zephaniah 3. How do I see my future? I continue to go ove the verses, the Lord your God is with  you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing, Zephaniah 3:17. I continue to hope and to ask for guidance Lord.

Good morning Sweetheart, I continue to hope here also. When I wake up I have a bible by my be, actually on my bed and I will read from that before I even get out of bed. Then I will come into the family room and I have a bible and prayer book by the computer and I will read something from both of them. This morning, while in bed I was directed to Zephaniah 3 and didnt want to hear of the punishment but I pressed on with it and saw a future, I like the fact that the Lord will quiet us with his love. When I went to the computer, I opened my bible and I went to the same spot. Different bibles, same spot.The Lord is my special place. Anyway I'm just rambling on and its delaying me from finishing this entry. Its a beautiful day and I can't wait to worship today. I'm going to be late though. I have to drop my daughter off at work before I go to church. I probably won't be there until 11:30 or 11:45. No telling where I'll have a seat. Probably in the balcony. I hate waiting outside the sanctuary during praise and worship, that's why I go to the balcony. Be blessed and have a good day.

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