Friday, April 21, 2006

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. Glory to you Father God. I give thanks and praise to you this morning. Thank you for your blessings. Thank you for caring enough about me to ensure that I was awaken this morning. Thank you for loving me. You love me inspite of myself. I am loved by you. You have taken my heart and soul. I love being in love with you Lord. Thank you for watching over me.

Good Morning Sweetheart. I hope all is well with you. What's on the agenda for Friday? This week has gone by. Thank God for it. Sometimes I think about my purpose and wonder what God sees for me. I know that what I see for me is probably very small and minute in comparasion to his vision for me. I wonder what that vision is. Where does his vision take me? What do I do in his vision for me? Who is that woman in his vision. How do I get to be that woman that God knows I can be. My day is filled with graduation preparations, abstenince classes five days a week for the next six weeks, Illinois Constitution Test prep and just the general nonsense of eighth graders. Thank God its Friday. Have a blessed day and be a blessing to someone today.

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