Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Red Tape


Well, I didn't go downtown, and a good thing I didn't. It would have been a waste.

The principal hadn't staffed the position yet, so I wasn't in the computer. I had called to find out what I needed to bring and a ten item checklist was given to me.

More money requesting transcripts, rush transcripts.

I had a physical in late December so that will suffice, but I have to have the doctor fill it our on their form.

Birth Certificate, passport, driver's license, SSN card, etc.

I have gathered most of that info and I just have to pick up transcripts and fax a copy of the physical form to the doctor's office so they can fax it to them.

Then I'm done.

OK,  well, enough of that process. On to work to try and figure out how to tell them I can't do this anymore.

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