Thursday, February 23, 2006

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. All praises and glory go to you this wonderful day Lord. Thank you for your blessings. Thank you for waking me up this morning. Thank you for giving me a chance to gt it right today. Thank you for allowing me to praise and worship you this morning. I humble myself before you God. Take away any ego, pride, self centeredness and anything that does not allow me to humble my self before you.

I believe that God wants me to embrace this journal. To love the fact that I have this journal. I have said I will embrace it, but I don't. I believe that God wants me to understand that this journal will set the boundaries for us emotionally. We are linked spiritually through this. While we may not have the kind of relationship in the physical it doesnt mean we dont have a spiritual closeness that is very important in any relationship. Some people never have this much real spiritual closeness. This is more important than the  physical. The physical will not be a problem, its what to do after the physical. We continue to develop a closeness that comes from caring about the other person. You light up my life. You bring a smile to my heart. My joy rises when I think of  you. God wanted us to develop a solid foundation so that when the storms come we have that foundation to hold on to each other. This requires a lot of pruning, cutting and stretching. I may not get it right but I will keep trying.

Have a blessedly wonderful day today and know that you are deeply loved.

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