Friday, May 26, 2006

Good Morning

Good Morning lord. I am awaken with you on my mind. I have faith that you are working things out for my good. My value is more precious than jewels. I am valuable and loved by you Lord. My heart trusts in you confidently and vigorously. I believe in you Lord. I believe you continue to work on me and prepare me for my purpose. I strengthen myself with spiritual, mental and physical fitness. I continue to workout all areas of my life for a closer walk with you Lord. I pray not just for myself but for all the people of the world. Especially my faith community. I pray that my pastor has success in everything he puts his hand to. Strength and dignity surround him and he is a leader in the word and ways of God the Father. He prepares our future skillfully. He protects his community and I am secure in the knowledge that he is working towards our future with Godly wisdom. Lord bless him today and everyday. Let your grace pour out over him. He is a good man and his goal is always to let God be given all the glory. Let love and kindness and wisdom flow from us. I have faith that I am a capable, intelligent and patient woman who can be of great value to him. My works are always to praise you Lord and I seek to give you all the authority in my life. Guide me, direct me and walk with me as I travel down this road.

Good Morning Sweetheart. I am working on getting through Friday. The weather is warm and that's going to be a treat. The doctor says the baby could come at anytime now and if it doesnt come by next Friday he is going to induce labor. I will be a grandmother for sure. I pray that I am a good one. Her  young man claims he took the firefighters test yesterday but we dont know for sure. He does like to lie. After his performance about not wanting to get any help and not needing a prep session I dont have much faith that he followed through on the test. I pray that he did though.

I hope you have a good day today. Be blessed and Be a blessing to someone very special. I love you.

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