Thursday, May 18, 2006

Good MOrning

Good Morning Lord. I am thankful for each and every day that you give to me. I give glory to you Lord for your love and peace. I thank you for giving me the ability to love. I thank you for loving me Lord and showing me how to love. Lord I humble my self to your will. I want to glorify you Lord. Your will be done in my life always. Lord you make a new creation in me. Preparing me for a new journey. Lord I am preparing to stand in the gap. To resist the devil and to pray for my family. Lord I pray for unity, harmony and peace.

Good Morning Sweetheart. Everyday is just a little harder to begin. Today we are going to The Sears Tower. We have a law firm that has partnered with our school and we are having our culminating event today. A mock trial, lunch and the observation deck. Its going to be a long day. We dont return to school until 4pm. I know God is in charge of all our activities today and I pray that we remember God is in charge. I just don't want any behaviorial problems. We try to leave the ones who don't know how to act in public at the school. All of my class is going except two, but we have some real characters in the other rooms.

 How's your day?  What's heavy on your heart today? What's running through your mind right now? Stay focused. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I love you very much.

Take extra care today. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone very special today.

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