Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Good Morning

Thank you God for continuing to remind me just who you are. You are Alpha and Omega. You are worthy to be praised. Thank you Father God for bringing me closer to you. Daily I seek to be closer to you. Lord today is a day that I turn over all my troubles to you. Lord, you are building your kingdom here on earth. You said be still and know that I am God. I am still. I will rest on your word. I will use your word as my armor. I stand with you. My calm rests in you Lord. I confess that I do not have control over much. Lord forgive me for any prejudices that I may have displayed. Prejudices related to wealth, intellect, age, color and gender. I am  your child and part of your sheep. You made me and I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. We are one family and one blood. Lord I want to call an end to any type of division I have set up. Anything I have set up to separate myself break it down.

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