Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Good Morning

Father God I bless your holy name. Your love for me displays great compassion. God I never want to say I am doing something for you with a bad attitude about doing it. I rejoice in the Lord at all times and I am grateful to be able to work in His kingdom here on earth. I will not grow weary doing good works for God. My attitude will continue to be one of gratitude and kindness throughout. When I wander I will always bring it back.

Father God My heart goes out to you this morning. I want to be sincere in my desire to help and educate children. It is easy to get upset and most of the time I hold my tongue. But when I don't and I let a situation get the best of me, let me realize that quickly. Some days are better than others with my children. Let me continue to make this a better day. Keep my heart and mind open to learn from them as well as passing along information about our topic for the day.

Have a blessed day today and be a blessing to someone special.

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