Friday, December 30, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning, Good Morning. Thank You Lord for another day. Thank you Lord for taking up residence in my body, mind and spirit. Thank you for loving me Lord. I pray the Christ would dwell in my heart. I pray that I am rooted and firmly established in love.

I pray that love helps me to determine my self worth. I pray that all those who helped to develop a false sense of self worth by giving me an unrealistic and unhealthy view of myself are no longer in a position of power in my life. I know that in the eyes of God I find my true self worth. My identity is in my relationship with God. My significance is with carrying out God's work. While I know I don't work my way into a positive relationship, I knkow that if I seek His face, and seek His refugee, then I am closer to where He wants me to be. Glory to your name Lord. You are worthy to be praised.

To Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ever ask or imagine, I lift my hands up and offer my praise and worship.

How was your week? Did you accomplish alot? Were you weary? Did you see the light at the end of the tunnel? Did you plant a good seed in someone's life? Are you filled with hope? Does faith meet you when you are up against a wall? How do you handle it when you are at the wall? Do you break it down, fashion a make shift door to go through it, climb orver it, or do you stand and stay blocked? Some walls are treated differently, how are you treating your wall today?

I'm thinking way too much again. Have a blessedly wonderful day today and I pray that you are able to accomplish some of the things you need to do today. I pray that you have some good news come into your life today.

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