Sunday, July 17, 2005


Its amazing how thisz journey that I'm taking is is leading me down a very spiritual road. I'm just not about rituals and right and wrong religious practices. I want an ongoing personal relationship with God. I want to be in a church that worship's God and tries to walk the walk and talk the talk that Jesus taught us. I believe in social justice for the world. I really do want world peace. I believe in what we are doing. My prayer is that I am able to nearer and nearer and continue to have a relaxed conscious and respectful attitude towards you. I want  a certain level of comfort so I try different ways to be near yet continuing to work for God. Draw me near. I hope you are saying the cancer is totally gone. No mass, no blotches, nothing. I pray every night for healing. The prayers of the faith community are true and powerful. I won't dwell on the negative. I sat there this morning waiting for service to start and wondered how we got to this point. Is it planned, is it on God's radar? Have I messed up one too many times? I pray not.

I pray that you have a restful night and continue to walk by faith. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.

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