Tuesday, December 21, 2004

My Day



Spackling, lighting fixtures and tile scraping. Don't ask.

As I was going through my day with this stuff I asked God why do you have me doing this? I finished student teaching and pretty much for this entire time except for a day here and there, I have been doing work at that building. Why, why me, why now. I'm sure there's some learning I'm suppose to get. I didn't hurt myself today, I actually enjoyed spackling and scraping. I did a good job changing out the light fixtures. I guess if this teaching thing doesn't work I can become a handyman.

I miss being able to write to you first thing in the morning. Lately I am out of the house by 7-7:30. Not back until 8:30 today. Back Wednesday and Thursday. I am not going back over ther again during the holiday week. I refuse.

I wonder where you are when you read these entries. I wonder what you are doing, I wonder if you smile sometimes when you read them. I wonder.

Well I am going to prepare for bed. I know you have a lot to do to prepare for the wonderful Christmas Eve service. I'm looking forward to it. Take care and have a blessed evening. Rest well. Relax. Remember who's the reason for the season-

                     "Names of Christ" Poster

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