Tuesday, December 7, 2004


I have been putting in contact paper on kitchen shelves and removing caulk in the bathrooms. Interesting. I have been listening to Bishop Morton, Let It Rain CD. Very Interesting.

I've been thinking, in the prodigal son, the one thing that always sticks with me is the fact that the son who stayed, when he asked why didnt I get a fatted calf he was told you could have it anytime you wanted it. He stayed, he put the log on the fire, he worked the fields, he was faithful, was he ever rewarded or was his reward knowing that he was with God all the time? That is a good and just reward, but did he know that? Was his flesh talking with jealousy and envy? We never know what happened. Just wondering...

OK countdown one hour and twenty five minutes. I cant wait for this to be over.

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