Friday, May 11, 2007


Today was an interesting day. We had Junior Achievement visit us today. They enjoyed it a lot. I was exhausted by the time they left. The afternoon was just wild. I was driving home thinking, God, why was I in this combat zone for two years, what was the purpose and it came to me, I needed to know how to fight in the trenches. I'm leaving before it gets any worse.
Children are just so angry. The ones who are troubled have no respect for anyone. They don't fear authority of any kind and continue to not believe that more and more prisons are being built just for them. This has been a vicious cycle for so long, why. We need to do something to encourage the youth. Bus shootings, fights all the time, its just too much violence. Its so much to think about. You have been a champion for the our youth and for the community. It just never ends. You have worked hard for the changes you have made. You are a true man of God and full of God's grace and power. You have taken on a tough challenge. Have you seen the fruits of your labor? You have accomplished so much. You have so much more to do. Your mother would be proud. I know you don't want accolades but sometimes you need to know you are doing a good job even when you know you have more to do. I applaud you. I thank you for doing it.Its a hard job.

I of course had to babysit, Friday night, so that's why  I am so late placing an entry. Tomorrow is lunch and a play in the afternoon. Have a good night's sleep and be blessed.

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