Saturday, May 26, 2007

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. I pray that I am an influencer. I pray that we are able to change hearts and minds today. I want us to make a difference in the world. Know that we will continue to fight for what's right and true. Let's get to the root of the matter.  Let's make a difference. When does a group just stop and say no more. I believe we ca do this. We are more than a conqueror. Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world. All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord. I will not be discouraged. I will press on to the goal that God has for me.

Last night was very good. I can tell that the two of you talk often. He is very insightful. Very soft, yet powerful. I thought I was going to have an incident last night. Someone stole my purse but I got it back quickly. Nothing was taken. The wheat and the tares grow together. They also worship together. I thank God that nothing was taken.  I was interviewed by channel two also.

I fought with that baby for most of the service. He would not sit and settle down. Of course when we got to the car he went to sleep.

 I will met the bus at the location in Riverdale. I will be there, praying for something to happen. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone today. Everything is going to be fine.   

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