Sunday, June 12, 2005


Nothing but blessings for me today. Service was such a blessing. All of my most favorite soul searching songs. Words of encouragement that reassure me I have a right to run to the Lord.

Thank you Jesus. Thank You Jesus.I know I can make it because I have Jesus. No matter what I'm going through as long as I have Jesus I have peace and joy. Unspeakable Joy. Life and More abundant life. His Love is Everlasting. I need God's love with me. I will hasten to his throne. Yes I will hasten to His Throne.

I don't know what the future has in store for me but I'm sure its things to bless me and not to hurt me. I release control of my future in God's hands. I release control to God. I submit to his will. Less of me and more of God's will. I say yes to God. Yes God. Yes God.

My heart need to be touched by God today and he touched it. My mind needed peace and God gave it to me. My worries went away and the Lord lifted them.

What ever happens I have trusted God to guide my steps. I trust in the Lord to lead me where I should be.

I leave you with my heart and I say good night. Five more days then this is over. I can't wait. Be Blessed and Be a blessing to someone.

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