Wednesday, January 31, 2007


That was my picture of calm. Ihad just typed a nice long conversation and then I picked up the baby and he hit some buttons and deleted it. What are you goping to do. Star t over and distract him with something else.

I said before that I like to begin as if we are talking to each other in a conversation. We just pick up where we left off. Last night was a very good conversation. We were very intimate. The fact that we can care about people that are not the best says something about our humanity. Humanity is something to care for. We are to love one another and it didnt say only the ones we like. LOVE ONE ANOTHER. No if ands or buts. Something soulful and thoughtful. Do the right thing. Care about how people are reacting to someone elses pending death. The celebration is of poor taste and should be reconsidered. Miami should not celebrate the death of Castro with hard earned taxpayers money. That money could be given to the poor in many different ways. Why humilate someone after their death with a party. If they were the worst person in the world better to ignore and not show any fanfare. let the final acknowledgement of that person be the final acknowledgement. God has touched your heart to care for others to the point that you could see humanity not doing the right thing for a person who was cruel and inhumane to others. A respectful death and burial is not asking for too much. You touched my heart and my soul last night with your words and your thoughts. Sometimes the things you dont say stand more in my mind than the things you do say. My heart find that you are an awesome man and one to look forward to being with one day. I pray that its in my lifetime here on earth. I am gong to end now.  You know, flowers are very sensual too.

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