Saturday, January 27, 2007

Good MOrning

Good morning. Sometimes finding a good picture to include is very difficult. I spend so much time sezrching for something different and appealing.

Today I will of course be busy. Market Day pickup, out to my dad's, babysitting the baby and of course finding time to work on my papers. The weekend goes so fast.But in all that, find time to love. Find time to care about one another. Dont let negative people continue to try to bring you down to their level. They keep picking away with little inuendos and I just have to say either say it or shut up. I dont make you happy or unhappy, you decide for yourself if that's how you are going to feel. I am tired of the self proclaimed martyrs. Grow up.  OK enough about my mother. I have to get ready for my day.

God bless you today and I will talk to you later.

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