Monday, January 29, 2007

Good NIght

My day was not good. I was told I need to basically teach less and pay more attention to disciplining the children that I have. They are no longer allowed in the halls if they cant be quiet. I agree they are unruly, I just think that to suggest that it takes a certain person to work in the inner city and that I am too lenient on the children is not right. I prayed on that because I agree I am burned out. I exhibit to my self behavior that says I dont care how these children act anymore. Some I care about and some I dont. I guess this was my intervention. Stop Ms. C before you go over the edge!!! Save the children and you will save yourself. Keep the children inthe class room and keep them quiet. Dont let them out. We know they dont know how to act, refer them for special ed, suspend them, give them Saturday detentions, use more discipline. Discipline, Discipline, Discipline.Of course I am up finishing my report cards tonight. I am so grumpy with this. So many hours to give out so many poor grades. Well, back to the cards, I just wanted to take a break. Good Night

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