Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Piano

I love it when you play the piano. You play very nice. Its so beautiful. Thank You for playing today.
I always feel so guilty when I dont write on the weekend. Saturday seems to come and go so quickly. Then Sunday morning, early, I think I will sit down and place an entry and then the morning just gets away from me. What must you think of me. I keep the dream alive in my heart. I know that the reality is that I am not always going to be writhing in this journal but I should continue to now, no matter what. I just continue to rely on the words, Love Never Fails. Love Never Fails keeps me going each and every day. I need encouragement and strength each and every day. I worry about you each and every day. You are on my mind every day. Never think that just because I havent placed an entry I am not thinking about you. That is so not true.

When I think about our president I see a man who is pleasing 75% of the population and the other 25% just have to hope that we will get some of the trickle down effect. Hey, does this sound like reganomics 2010 style? I dont see the poor being able to benefit from this president. Lots of talk, very little action. He doesnt want to offend the majority so he will ignore/put off  the minority.After all, we have waited this long. We are always so forgiving. Just like the politicians who are playing at the heart strings of blacks just so they can get their vote. Dragging in Harold Washington who has been dead for over twenty years. Pulling up the cemetary scandal so that someone can be blamed. I dont really know which one is worse. I wish I had another candidate altogether to vote for. I'm disgusted with both. pray and fellowship with the Lord.

I have to get ready for the week. Wash my clothes, do my lesson plans and rejuvenate/renew my mind and spirit. Thats why I have to attend church. My chin is breaking out. I think I am having a reaction to my last allergy shot. Forgive Me for digressing.  Well, back to the nonsense that seems to take up so much time.
God Bless You. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. I love you. Remember Love Never Fails.

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