Monday, January 4, 2010

Emotional and Physical Requirements of Living Things

I am watching this show on PBS that shows humans need loving interactions at a very young age. If they dont receive it then they are detached and have difficulty handling their interactions with other people. One thing they did really made me think.

The did a study in the fifties where they took rehsus monkeys from their mothers at a young age almost from birth and put them in an environment where the had a very metal and cold figure that fed them or a soft comfy figure that didnt feed them  In each case the monkey preferred the soft comfy figure, even if it didnt provide nourishment.

That was interesting because they were comparing them to orphans from eastern europe who were not attaching to their adoptive families. The monkeys also developed problems dealing with other people too. They were never the same and had constant problems with aggression and depression. What they are doing is teaching the orphan to connect with his adoptive family.

I find it interesting that God would place such a demand on us that is so instrumental in our well being. We have to be nutured, loved and protected so that we can grow up to be nurturing, caring individuals. It starts when we are young.

We have to learn how to love one another and make sure that the love is displayed and consistent. People have to trust each other in relationships of parent, child, husband, wife, teacher, student. You cant just leave when things go wrong. You have to be ready to meet in the middle and work through it. How do relationships grow and change? How do you resolve disagreements? Leave the critical emotional venom at home. Care about what the person is saying and show it. Be attentive.

Take the love and strengthen it. Stay in love and continue to nuture the love.
God bless you tonight. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. I love you.

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