Monday, January 25, 2010


Father God I thank you that you constantly renew my spirit and my mind. Thank you for continuing to give me a fresh mental and spiritual attitude. I believe in the renewing of my mind and spirit. I pray to be imitators of Christ  Jesus. To copy you and to follow your example. I seek to walk in love.

I pray that Satan is rendered helpless in our activities. I pray that we come against the spirit of separation, ill will resentment abuse or any other eveil or vile thing that is not of God.  Satan we loose any assignment that you may have over us. We are united as one in spirit and righteousness.

Father God your will is what we desire to do. Your will that we love one another with the God kind of love unites us in peace, harmony and happiness. Thank you for the answer Lord. We are ready to do your will.

What is the value of our work? Lord knows that we have responsibility to our job, but we have a greater responsibility to Our Lord and Savior. We work for man but we glorify God as we work for God. God is a patient listener and he wants to hear what we think. The troubles in our job can be many and we think, how will this benefit us in the grand scheme of things. We are reminded that it was working before us and it will work after us. When I feel helpless in a situation I am reminded that all hope is not lost and that I can speak my fears to God and leave them in his hands. How is it that being a teacher has become such an emotionally challenging job. Lord guide me to say and do the things that represent you today.

Ecclesiastes 3
There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven.

God bless you today. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. I love you.

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