Sunday, November 5, 2006

Hawaiian Monk Seals

Well, today I watched a documentary about the Hawaiian Monk Seal off the French Shoals. They mentioned that they were becoming extinct. Of course the only reason I watched it is because you are in Hawaii. I found it interesting though. My scientific mind began to wonder along with the scientist why they were becoming extinct. There are only three places where there are warm water seals. Hawaii, Caribeean (they are extinct now) and the Mediterrean. They strapped a camera on them and found that the seals werent feeding around the general local area.

That area was shark infested and it also had their other enemies there. The seals were diving hundreds of feet below the surface to distinct coral reef which they indicated wre aosis in the deep desert and the seals found food in the form of coral reefs and fish at this incredibly deep sea level. No predators.

Why am I watching anything about Hawaii. Because you are there and I want to connect with you no matter how vague it seems. I realize that you probably dont even go to this remote area but I know its close to you. Anything that will get me closer to you is important to me. Have a good night and be blessed.

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