Friday, November 3, 2006

Good Morning Lord. This morning I read the Christmas Story but this time it was with reverance and awe that the knowledge of a Savior being born was given to the shepards and the two member in the synagogue. The awe and reverance that Mary and Joseph received for their child must have amazed them. What childis this...We seek to understand God and He continues to amaze us. Mary kept those things in her heart and pondered them. She knew he could turn water to wine at Cana, he probably did the same with juice or other things at home growing up. What a child to have at home, to supply your every need. To have wisdom and grace at such a young age. We complain now how our children are so uncooperative. What was it like to have baby Jesus at home for the early years? Blessed is the name of Jesus.

I am off to my conference today. I dont have to be there until 8"30 and its close to me so I can leave at 8.

Have a blessed day today and know that you are loved.

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