Friday, April 3, 2009


I wrote the entry on the first, I just didnt edit it when I wrote it. I was still under the influence of the National Board. I know I wrote it and I am willing to stand by my postings. Report card pick up was fine except for one parent. She totaly wanted to have a fight with me and I rescheduleded her for today. We met this morning with the asst prioncipal and she was consistently rude and disrespectful to me. Her son received a D and I showed proof that he should have received an F but I gave him a D. First the parent wanted to fight then I had to show her that her son was not doing what he was suppose to be doing then the tables turned on him.
I am so happy that we have two weeks off. This week is devoted to holy week and to my dad. Next it is Liz. I am going to Seattle. I cant wait. Then its back to school. God is good. I had a round trip ticket that I didnt use to go to New York, when my aunt died and now I get to use it to go to Seattle. During the summer I plan to go to London, again. That is my second home. I plan on taking my dad with me. We only have six weeks because our school starts early. I have to use my time wisely.

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