Monday, April 20, 2009

Arrogant, Stuckup

Am I arrogant and stuck up? Am I siddity? Have I kept a class system that threatens my relationship with other people? Why is it that people are threatened by me? What is it that I do that unsettles people?
If they knew my pain and suffering I don't think I would have this problem? Why am I thought to be stuck up and arrogant?
If you aren't telling everybody your testimony, complaining about your pain and suffering then people think you are stuck up? I struggle, I have disappointment and hardship, nothing comes easy for me. If I don't reveal my heart and my struggle then I am not a real person. I cry and hurt just like everyone else. I have feelings. I try to help every person that crosses my path, am I wrong for that? Should I not care for my fellow man? Why is it that people talk about me like it doesnt hurt me? Is there something that makes them think I dont hurt when they say and do hurtful things? Do I seem indifferent to pain? Am I shallow and thoughtless? Do I give the impression that I can handle any pain, well I cant, Im not your superwoman.

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