Saturday, April 18, 2009


Today, I was a winner. So were you. We were in the same place at the same time. We cant hold anything else more important than that.
I know that I was a winner because I lost 1.2lbs even after going out of town and eating what ever I wanted this week. The good thing was that in Seattle, they have mountains and hills and they have them in the city. We walked our butts off. I couldn't believe the incline on the streets. I just knew I was going to need a line or something just to get up the street to the library. Then I had to run for the trolley the next day. We walked all around the city on Tuesday. I walked on the treadmill every morning except the last morning. It all paid off in the end, I had a 1.2lb lost. Any loss is better than a gain.
I wonder why when I heard your voice, my heart jumped a beat. You were dressed for business today. I saw that you were at the funeral of one of the youth's who was killed on the expressway. That was unfortunate.
Tomorrow I have Eucharistic ministry. Mary reminded me. She likes the idea that she gets to keep Austin. Today he had his fireman gear on. I had to bring him to my weigh in.
I am a winner. God gave man dominion over this earth and every creature in the earth. Through my faith in Jesus Christ I have been given dominion over this earth.
What is the problem with this world? People are doing incredibly crazy things now. Out of desperation, fear and just doing dumb things.
We have to be reminded that we are winners. We have this thing won. Things look tough, but we are winners. God has guaranteed our success and we need to look and act like winners.
I know that I have to get it together with you. I watched the Allison Payne interview about the blue eyed soul brother and my heart just seemed to kiss you. You are remarkable and I long to know you and talk to you. Why hasn't that happened? I bet we could have a really good time together. I live on the fact that I have God's promise that I will succeed and that all things work together for the good of those that love the Lord.
I'm going to say good night and I cant wait to see you tomorrow. I love you.

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