Friday, March 23, 2007

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. Thank you for today. Thank you for loving me today. You have been my rock and my salvation. I rest in harmony and unity with you Lord. Whatever you want me to do I will do. Teach me how to agree about anything and everything that is from you and through you. Your will be done in my life. I pray that I have completeness and wholeness in the Body of Christ. My mind knows that we love one another. My heart strives to earnestly guard and keep the harmony that we have. I strive for oneness in the Spirit. I commit myself according to the power of God. I belong to God and I work hard to be united in the Spirit. Father God let  your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Let me choose your will and your way.  I pray that there is no division in us and that there is only unity and sameness of of mind. We are perfectly joined together and Your Word will speak boldly to us and confirm your work. I'm on a mission form God. I know my God is a jealous God. That can be my problem as well sometimes. I have to check myself and know that God has my best interest at heart and that I am the apple of his eye. I press forward to love those that God loves. The homeless have become lost due to the fact that society feels if its feeding the poor then all of their problems are over. We have food banks, food drives, soup kitchens and more. But the actual word "HOMELESS" is not really being understood. They are usually lost in body and mind. We sometimes don't know or understand how to help. But it doesn't mean we give up. We can't quit. It just can't be that easy. Just because something is hard doesn't mean we give up. We press forward with awareness and information. Some people think that because its been a problem for so long that there is no solution so we just have to accept it. There will always be haves and have nots. Look as Switzerland. They don't have poor and homeless people. It can be done. It must be done. How can we call ourselves Christians when others are in such horrible need? We must remember that if we help one each day, we have done something.

Have a blessed day today and know that the Lord loves you and so do I. 

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