Friday, October 20, 2006

Good Morning

Good MOrning Lord. This morning I ask you to continue to direct me in the path you want me to go. I am interested in the fact that in this mornings reading it showed how Jesus fed four thousand after feeding the five thousand and how the disciples didnt understand or believe that he could do it. Sometimes we see God perform miracles in our lives and then wonder still, will he do it again. Can we really be trusted to rely on Jesus in the good times and the bad times? I have been working with the feeling and emotions that something is stirring, something is new and different. I'm not the same. I know it and I feel it, yet sometimes the same actions are present?

This weekend I have a conference overnight. The Young  Adult Literature Conference. I say this to let you know I dont know if I will have computer access in the morning. I leave this afternoon and dont come back until tomorrow afternoon.  I will be thinking about you and wondering how your day is going. Be blessed today and remember to be a blessing to someone special.

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