Monday, October 2, 2006

Good Morning


Thank you Lord for staying firm with me this morning. You said stop trying to run my own life. Let that be your job. I turn it over to you. I will not worry about things that I have no control over. My days are full as it is with things that need my attention. Don't spend time on stuff that doesn't even deserve the time of day or the breath it takes to say it. I am learning to be straightforward in my communication with my Christian brothers and sisters and my co workers. I have the power to be direct, honest and impartial. I am a creation of God, you created me to be active in my faith so that I can have a full understanding of everything good we have in Christ. I pray that my conversations will be seasoned with salt, full of grace and that I have an appropriate answer for everyone. I am content to deal truthfully and honestly with everyone. I will not try to mind my own business. I will turn the management of my business over to God.

Have a blessed day today and be a blessing to someone.

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