Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Waiting Room

Father God in the Name of Jesus I thank you for giving me life. For giving me the opportunity to be born in this world, at this time, in this place. I would like to think that if I am in this waiting period that it is for a purpose and reason greater than me.

I pray that I will not wait in vain. I believe in God's Promise in my life. I'm still here and I will not believe that God has taken me this far and left me. I have to believe there is more to this than meets the eye. I know that this job is not my final resting place. If it is, then I have disappointed God and myself. This kind of work is not for the faint of heart.

I believe I am being prepared for tough times. Who in their right mind would stay in such an abusive situation. The reality is the children are disrespectful,disinterested in learning and the fact that I have to compete with the world to get their attention is ridiculous. So I believe that I am making a difference in their lives, even if its only one person.

I have to believe that my time and effort is worth something. I have to believe that I am making a difference. If I dont then I become desensitized to the environment and they become  a factory. No faces or names, just bodies taking up space in my classroom for a period of time. I pray that when we are at the next level that we are ready.

But I know one thing, ready or not a change is coming. God Bless You tonight. I would never want you to think that I dont want to make contact with you daily. You have my heart and I love the thought of that. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone special. I love you.

I'm sorry that the words seem empty and contradictory to you. I believe I am sincere, but as I am always saying, "You can show me better than you can tell me" I too, must show you better than I can tell you. Prove it. Where's the evidence. Back up your words with actions. Thank You Lord for giving me a chance to prove myself worthy. I am humbled at the opportunity. I am in the waiting room.

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