Thursday, February 18, 2010

More of Me

God wants more of me. More of me given freely and exclusively.

I want to give more of myself to God. I want to be excited and overjoyed about giving of myself. I want to connect with God and never let go. Never let go.

I want to dwell in His house forever and ever and ever. I want more of you. More of your time, more of your presence, more of your desire to want to be with me. I want to linger in your presence, I want more of you.

Over these next forty days I want to show my desire to give more of me. God doesn't care if I give up TV, chocolates or fast food. God does care if I have pulled away from him.

So my desire is to draw nearer. To spend more time with the Lord and His desire for me. To give back the morning time. To make my stay longer when I am with Him. To cherish every moment. To linger in His presence and know that this is a treasured time.

To not hit that snooze more than twice. That is going to be so hard right now. Winter is just like hibernation time for me. Its so cold and dark and cold. I'm going to put more of me into this. I am going to make it possible. March is almost here and the weather should break back into the 30's and 40's. I want to know that no matter what the day is like,I still have you in my life. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. All of my challenges and struggles are given over to the Lord. I can do nothing without God in front of me, leading and guiding me through it all.

God bless you today. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. I love you.

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