Saturday, February 20, 2010

Thank You

That was such a wonderful tour. It was so much to take in. I was just speechless. I wanted to look at everything. I could spend hours there just soaking in the rich history. You have African American culture, past and present. I love how your items bring the struggle alive. Actual documents, the black codes, the shackles, the bill of sale. The many pictures and signatures. You have to write a book. Just like that boy who was in my group who didn't know what you meant by the term black-face, there is so much rich history that needs to be told so that we dont forget. Never assume that people know, they just don't know. Walking us through your memories and collections allows us to remember that it was real, not just something you read about and forget. It makes me also know that you are real. You are multi-dimensional. Deep and inquisitive, yet very human. Thank you again for the tour. I will treasure the fact that you opened your home up to us, to me. I pray that you did not have a chance to regret doing that. I hope everything went well and you enjoyed it too. I hope it wasnt too exhausting. I was just in awe of all the wonderful antiques. I love antiques. I love history. Thank You, thank you, thank you.

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