Thursday, February 25, 2010

Good Night

God Bless You Tonight. I pray that God will watch over you tonight during this very cold and harsh winter. I am truly tired of this winter. But that is another story. This week has been very rough for me weather wise. I have been late twice. Yesterday it took me two hours to get in and then I was blessed to be able to leave and go to the doctor so I could get some medicine to start getting better. Then today, I try another route and I am delayed because of a train. I pray that tomorrow is better. I found out that the substitute who worked for me yesterday had a problem. Someone stole five dollars from her purse. God I hate thieves. I heard they had security and everything trying to find out who stole her money. Its ridiculous that someone would do such a thing. We are just talking about six, seven, and eighth graders. I don't imagine we will ever see her again. Its so hard to get substitutes to come to our school as it is and when they do, something like this happens. Father God, help us to help our children learn that they can not keep abusing the people who are there to help them. We are preparing for the state test next week. A large majority of our students all over the city will sit down and find themselves confused and dazed when they begin to take this test that is constantly held in their face as the deciding factor of whether they will move to the next grade, what high school will accept them and whether they can choose a school or just accept what is given to them. This test gives us an idea how our children compete/compare/are judged by others who make decisions about their lives. Blessed be the name of the Lord. God, I pray that we are able to improve our scores. I pray that improvement is seen from our results. Let our children's light shine. Let them be able to think, and learn and produce a rich and cultured generation. Glory be to God. Thank You Jesus.
I am tired and I pray that I can get to sleep quickly and rest all night long until its time to get up. I have had such a restless week.
God Bless You tonight. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. I love you.

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