Monday, August 27, 2007

Welcome Back


Well, where do I begin.

I guess first of all I am one of these people praying for the Olympics to come to Chicago. Yes I am praying for them to come. I think it will be great, I'm excited about the prospects of having such an international event so close to home. I will buy a ticket no matter what the cost. I will be there and I see promise for jobs and an improvement for the south side. I;m sure there are many things that can and will go wrong but I have weighed in on the positive for the olympics.

Domestic violence is never a positive. Its a swhame when two preachers are fighting in the parking lot of a hotel. What has the world come to.

Power can be good and bad. Too much power corrupts too many people. Balance the power, allow for modifications. Somebody has to lead and somebody has to follow. Everybody cant be the boss, somebody has to type and take messages. there's a lot there and I need to chew on that some more.

What an interesting concept about technology. I'm not surprised that it touched alot of people. Our world has us chained to email, computers and cell phones. If I leave my cell at home or miss a call then folks are upset. Most of the time its not anything important. In regards to this, I give up trying to figure it out. I just do and keep on doing. Its not for me to know,. It can be frustrating as heck and I will continue to question and wonder, but I will come back and do. What the heck is going on?

She's gott have it. I never saw the movie but the concept I heard about. Do you think that's me. I not able to be satisfied with one man. I dont think so. I think, and I think I am right about this, I think it could be very satisfying with one man. Especially the right man. Yes, you are the right man.Nobody else can do what you do,. Am I the right woman?  Let's just wait and see. Just wait, just wait.

What else is there. There was a lot. I'm tired and I will end now. I have a rally to attend tomorrow. Oh I am going to be the science teacher in my new position. Im excited about that. Good Night.

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