Saturday, April 24, 2010


I am so digusted that we are now in a world like ours, my parents lived in a segregated society that was legal, now we are moving back to that same reality. Racism is the law now in Arizona. I am in the store and I see a book by the Republican Party Chairman, a black man, that states it will help you defeat the Obama plan. My God. What is this man thinking. We now require papers for everyone and we have those who are oppressed making sure the oppressor is on our throat. The so called journalist are inciting people to violence. Violence is the only recourse that people are taking. Peace and unity are considered weak. People want to be divided. How can we survive if we are separated and torn apart? What can we hope for? Violence cannot become the norm. We cannot accept that fact that violence is the only answer. Are we not able to disagree and still live? Must we hunt and track each other like animals? I'm just disgusted that Arizona, which didnt want the King holiday, is now demanding papers or some identification from its inhabitants. I may be overreacting and its not as serious as I think. I think about how unfair it is that some of our children are innocent victims of this gun war. We know that so many people are indirectly involved with the violence. The sins of the father come down through the generations. We have to face the truth with our involvement and not downplay our role in the situation. God knows the truth.

1 comment:

Chilon said...

My heart weeps when i read about the injustices suffered by many.

Whether the "king" is righteous or the "king" is unrighteous, God has allowed him in office for HIS purposes, not the purposes of man. Romans 13:1

We are first Christians, then we are recognized by our Unity. There is no other definition made for us in the scripture. NOT race, NOT social standing, NOT male or female (the apostle Paul said in Christ, there is no greek, no jew, etc.) no other way, but by the way of the love walk established in UNITY with the body of Christ. If we love (the 1st Corinthians 13 way) God first and then our neighbors, that is where the change starts. It is a struggle, but the scripture tells us that Christ was made perfect (mature, lacking nothing) through what he suffered.

May we all in the Body of Christ, show the world that we are in fact different. We should choose to be the difference, be the change in ourselves that we want to see in others.

Blessings and may the grace of God grant you the ability to walk your walk.


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