Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Good Morning and God Bless You Today

Dear God I need a rest today. I took today as a personal day and I am going to play catch up on the things of this world that I must do. Check mail, refill prescriptions, make doctors appointments, sign up for summer programs and make a dent in my papers to grade. Lord, I'm tired. I know that there is more to life than this. Right now, I would like to believe the decisions that I make today don't change the structure and makeup of the whole world. I'm just trying to keep things together and not go crazy. I am constantly challenged at work, by my students and administration. At home its everybody wants a piece of me for one thing or another. I just have to back off and escape for me so that I can keep getting up. I have to renew and refresh my mind. I feel like I have to justify taking a day off. Especially in this economy where we are just waiting to hear who's being cut this year. Cuts, cuts, cuts. Who knows what will happen next school year. So, with all of that going on, I took a day off for me. My ankle is in such pain, I guess that the stairs at school are trying to do me in. Of course my class is on the third floor. I'm not complaining, just trying to adjust and make some accommodations to handle the change. So I pray and thank God for today. I thank God that I woke up in my right mind and am able to continue to work towards my purpose and God's will.

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