Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Prayers for our Ministries

Father God I pray for our ministries. I pray that in all the areas of our lives where we are working for your will and your good that we are successful. Lord our members are generous and have a good heart. Lord find this generosity within them. Allow them to be doers of the word and not just hearers of the word. Allow me to conduct myself with fairness and justice in all of my affairs. Lord your word is true and your will is steadfast. Let me not fear bad news, let me trust in the Lord. My heart is secure and I will have no fear in whatever the decision may be. I am trusting in the Lord. I honor you Lord and give you full dominion over my life. I pray Lord that we can continue to keep our ministries and our devotion to your will strong and flourishing. I thank you for all of your tender mercies and I pray that my purpose and your plan are fulfilled in my life. I know that you can complete your plan without me but I pray that I am needed to work out your plan. As you plan Lord, plan for me in your life, plan for me to be with you. Thank you God for all of your blessings. You continue to bless me daily. You woke me up this morning and I have to say thank you. The birds were singing and the light of a new day came to life. What will this day bring, I do not know but I am with you Lord. God bless you today. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. I love you.
From a South African Post:
Be a voice for the voiceless Proverbs 31

I trust you
and you love me
I fall asleep in your arms.
I challenge you
and you love me
I learn faith and grace.
I risk you
and you love me
and I learn to love others in return...

1 comment:

Chilon said...

The way that you pray, blesses me and challenges me, thank you!


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