Sunday, April 4, 2010

He Is Risen!

Thank You God for all that you do for me. I thank you for reminding me of the fact that I flirted with you. I gave you that wonderful hankie. Why that? I spent alot of time deciding how to make an appropriate, sincere, gesture of my affection for you and I came up with the hankie as an afterthought that morning before going to church. It was God. Nothing else but the Lord our God would inspire me to do something like that. It caught your attention and I was so pleased to know that you still think of it. I wonder if you still have it? I know you have spoken of a box where you keep things that are treasures from your life, I wonder if that is one of them.

I am watching this special about Bishop Sheen. He was a master. He spoke to everyone in his own special way. I never heard of him before until you mentioned him a few years ago and I was able to see a few of his programs. He was magnificent. He spoke to the common man and he was very down to earth. He reminds me alot of you.

I want to renew my relationship with you. I want to be your wife by your side, together forever, for whatever time we have left. There I said it God. I want him, I want him in my life forever. I will keep him in my life forever, no matter what. Lord I pray that you allow me to have him in my life in a greater capacity, a loving man, a wonderful husband and lover. My great communicator.

Lord, today on the way to church I saw a man rifling through the street garbage. What led this man to such a low and demeaning act. I know that the bible says that the poor will always be with us, but are we aware of the truly poor? The broken hearted, and the desolate human being? What is it that caused this man on this day to be in the situation that he was in? Why did I see it today, and why is it still prevalent in my mind? He shook the Styrofoam cup to see if there was still a little drink let, he continued on down the can/basket. My light changed and I drove on, forever with the memory of that man digging in the garbage. Forever to remember that men today are still suffering and in great need. Great need. I love you and I know that you love the Lord. I thank God for his mercy on us. God has spared us a great many hardships and I thank Him for that everyday. Be blessed today and know that my grandson was acting like a right fool today and that is why I did not go through the line and give you a kiss and a wonderful blessing. Just last year, I wasn't even there so I am blessed. I will be calling tomorrow morning to put my name on the list to go see you receive this reward. What ever they are going to do I want to see it and document it. I will have the camera. Be blessed and know that you are truly know that you ARE LOVED and needed, by me.

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