Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Gracious and Mighty God I come to you with my cares. I come to you with my heavy burdens and I seek your rest. You Lord will ease and relieve and refresh my soul. I resist the cares of the world which try to pressure me daily.

This is what the LORD says:
"Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom
or the strong man boast of his strength
or the rich man boast of his riches,

24 but let him who boasts boast about this:
that he understands and knows me,
that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness,
justice and righteousness on earth,
for in these I delight,"
declares the LORD. Jeremiah 9:23-24

What do I value and what does God value? My skills are of no importance to God. My character is what is important to God. The cares of this world are burdens that I seem to occupy my time with. I need you Lord to help me prioritize. I strive to keep my focus on you daily. I want to please you and enhance my relationship with you. I seek to please you daily. My heart magnifies and glorifies our relationship. I give my praises to you Lord for it is you alone who can change anything in my life.

Since my people are crushed, I am crushed; I mourn, and horror grips me, Is there no balm in Gilead? Jeremiah 8:21

My heart mourns for my people. I pray for healing.My people are sad.

Father God, remind us that this is the season of hope and change. Tis' the season to be Jolly, so let us find happiness and joy. Joy to the World, the Savior is born. Let us rejoice and celebrate. We must never lose our hope for a brighter future. It will get better, it will change. I love you and pray for peace in your heart and mind and soul. You have the cares of the world on your shoulders. Know that you are loved and adored. Pray for our reconciliation and peace. God loves us and wants only the best for us.

Be Blessed today and be a Blessing to someone. I love you.

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