Friday, December 28, 2007

Accepting Of Others

The truth is I avoid certain types of people. The truth is that I do act differently around certain people.

I asked God to show me what is the problem, what is the obstacle for me and God sent me to Galatians 2:11-21. Paul recognizing that Peter acted differently towards the Gentiles when the Jews were around. What nonessential things/customs have I been following as a Christian that I now force on others as a concern? What antiquated Catholic values have I thought were essential but were just customs that I have continued to follow? I know that you being a priest is huge on the list of burn in hell things for me. How do I drop that custom? How do I regard you as a man on the one hand but then as a untouchable religious icon on the other? What's up with that? Does this make sense to you?

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