Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Staying The Course

Hosea 11:1-4 8-10
“When Israel was a child, I loved him,
and out of Egypt I called my son.
2 But the more they were called,
the more they went away from me.[a]
They sacrificed to the Baals
and they burned incense to images.
3 It was I who taught Ephraim to walk,
taking them by the arms;
but they did not realize
it was I who healed them.
4 I led them with cords of human kindness,
with ties of love.
To them I was like one who lifts
a little child to the cheek,
and I bent down to feed them.

My heart is changed within me;
all my compassion is aroused.
9 I will not carry out my fierce anger,
nor will I devastate Ephraim again.
For I am God, and not a man—
the Holy One among you.
I will not come against their cities.
10 They will follow the Lord;
he will roar like a lion.
When he roars,
his children will come trembling from the west.

My Lord, I must stay the course and not forget that you are my God. I will remember the Blesser more than I remember the blessing. My heart  is changed. I will not stray from your path. I will call you near. I want to stay the course. My hearts desire is to please you. To make you happy. To comfort those who need comforting the most. If I can make any journey better, more comfortable and more desireable then I will do my best. I want you to be safe and secure in your knowledge of my commitment. I will stay committed and have confidence in the outcome. I will not stray from the path. Be Blessed today and know that you are a blessing. Your road is difficult but stay the course. You are loved and needed. Put a smile on your face and walk with your head held high. I Ask God for more than just head knowledge of his love. Confidence and Assurance of his love is all around us. We must show our love. Be direct and firm in our love. I will be more direct and more self asured in my love. I have to take that step of faith in my love. My love is real. Be Blessed today and be a true blessing to someone. I love you. You are worthy to be loved. Love God and yourself. I can do all thing through Christ which strengthens me. My courage is in him. Be blessed today. See you later.

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