Monday, January 28, 2013


John 16:33

New International Version (NIV)
33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the THE WORLD.

Dear Lord, you have reassured me that I am not in this alone. My Love  has confidence in me and I in him. I never want to give up. Confidence to destroy the lions that rise up against us with our bare hands. We don't have to fear anything. We walk with faith and confidence in God's ability to hear our prayers and know that our confidence lies in him.

Please take care of yourself today. Walk in love and faith. You have confidence to accomplish anything you set your mind to do. All of the obstacles before you today are gone. You will have success in whatever you choose. God is with us. He gives us free will to choose the just cause and when we do, God is bringing it into fruition. Your desire for a non violent, poverty free society is not falling on deaf ears. Your heart's desire is for peace and it will come to pass in your lifetime. I believe it to be the truth. If we strive for truth and justice, God hears our prayers.

I watched Gandhi this weekend for the first time. I was convicted by his method of non violence and fasting to gain independence for his country. Once independence was gained, the infighting began to destroy his goal of India living free together. Infighting among the religions, groups, and opposite sex. We gain our independence in one area, yet find another to fight about. Is that our nature to always want to fight? Let's build unity. Why can't we get along? When can we really coexist with respect for one another, no matter what? I respect you as another human being, living on this earth, with all of the rights and privileges as any man or woman should have. I ask God for more confidence in  keeping our unity in tact. Keeping our peace in tact.

Whatever the challenges of your day today, I ask God to give you confidence and strength to overcome your obstacles. You can achieve all that you set out to do. God will give you the desires of your heart. Relax your heart and your mind, God wants to make your joy complete. Be truly blessed today and be a blessing to someone. You are my love and my joy. My confidence is strengthen in you. It will come to pass. We will be together. I want to shout it to the world. Glory to God. I love you.

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